View Full Version : Adverse reaction upon reintroduction to meds?

01-04-2015, 08:51 AM
Hi all,

Hope everyone is ok.

I took duloxetine for about 6-7 years and I was weaned off them early last year.

About 3 weeks ago I was put back on them on the Monday. On the Monday although I was anxious I was functional. Tuesday morning and afternoon I was functional. Since Tuesday evening of that week I have been a wreck. I know antidepressants can make you feel worse before better but does anyone think there is a possibility my body is simply rejecting this drug?

I have not felt normal since taking them. Irratic irrational thoughts and breakdowns every day. I spoke to the doc and he increased the dose a week ago and I got a bit better but now I am back to square one.

Any advice?


01-04-2015, 02:37 PM
Sounds to me like the meds are settling in and as you say, feeling worse before feeling better

It shouldn't last much longer though. If it does, speak with your doc

01-04-2015, 07:08 PM
Hi all,

Hope everyone is ok.

I took duloxetine for about 6-7 years and I was weaned off them early last year.

About 3 weeks ago I was put back on them on the Monday. On the Monday although I was anxious I was functional. Tuesday morning and afternoon I was functional. Since Tuesday evening of that week I have been a wreck. I know antidepressants can make you feel worse before better but does anyone think there is a possibility my body is simply rejecting this drug?

I have not felt normal since taking them. Irratic irrational thoughts and breakdowns every day. I spoke to the doc and he increased the dose a week ago and I got a bit better but now I am back to square one.

Any advice?


I was addicted to Klonopins a few years ago and eventually got completely off them. What I found was tapering must be done properly and extremely slow or you will always get right back where you started. Sometimes, you may need to taper slower than a doctor recommends. You see, eventually the withdrawal gets so bad, you end up getting right back on the dose you were on before you started tapering.

I am not familiar with the drug you were on, but let me tell you what worked for me and what will probably work for many people.

You get a knife and cut a tiny amount. Then stay on that for 2 weeks, to stabilize your brain. Then cut a tiny amount and stay on that for 2 weeks. Keep going until the amount is small enough where you can finally take the jump. I did experience withdrawal, but not nearly as much if I cut too much too quickly. So some drugs you will get withdrawal symptoms regardless, but a lot less if you taper in the way I described.

You should get off meds under a doctor's supervision. Never go off faster than they recommend, but if needed, go slower than they recommend. I believe that those 2 weeks on the same dosage, gives the brain less shock and a feeling of stability rather than continuing to cut every day or every few days.

Good luck! Don't give up!

01-04-2015, 08:16 PM
She is not weening off, she is starting to take it::

01-05-2015, 03:05 PM
Hi everyone

Thanks for replying to me. Please accept my apologies if I don't reply individually I have read them and I really don't want to appear ignorant.

Today has been the worst day of my entire life. I literally thought I was going to be sectioned. I'm not even going to go into major detail because it was so horrific.

Anyway I ended up calling the doctors 10 minute before they closed and was screaming help me down the phone. He told me to come in immediately. He has taken me off duloxetine and put me on mirtazapine and Diazepam. I have started taking the Diazepam and feel a bit calmer hence why I can type.

I honestly thought that I lost my mind today. I am living in a complete nightmare and feel like I am being tortured. I have constant constant negative thoughts about dying and about never being the same again. I have a little white lump on my cheek by a cracked tooth and I have convinced myself it's leukoplakia and I am going to die :(

Has anyone had any good experiences on mirtazapine ? I'm desperate for this to work. I need to get back to work as I am self employed ; (

01-06-2015, 09:31 AM
Hi everyone

Thanks for replying to me. Please accept my apologies if I don't reply individually I have read them and I really don't want to appear ignorant.

Today has been the worst day of my entire life. I literally thought I was going to be sectioned. I'm not even going to go into major detail because it was so horrific.

Anyway I ended up calling the doctors 10 minute before they closed and was screaming help me down the phone. He told me to come in immediately. He has taken me off duloxetine and put me on mirtazapine and Diazepam. I have started taking the Diazepam and feel a bit calmer hence why I can type.

I honestly thought that I lost my mind today. I am living in a complete nightmare and feel like I am being tortured. I have constant constant negative thoughts about dying and about never being the same again. I have a little white lump on my cheek by a cracked tooth and I have convinced myself it's leukoplakia and I am going to die :(

Has anyone had any good experiences on mirtazapine ? I'm desperate for this to work. I need to get back to work as I am self employed ; (

I'm sorry you are feeling as you do and I do not have experience with mirtazapine

May not be the case with you but for me when I was first always panicking and the GP was trying meds, I was so impatient and scared that I always believed the meds to be making me worse

And all along, it was just my anxiety and panic fueling those thoughts.

You are scare and frustrated. I knew the feeling exactly as you describe

Key word in that sentence - "knew". As in the past tense

So to address your understandably hopeless feeling, it will be short lived.

The meds will take effect and calm your mind down by balancing that chemical imbalance that now is driving you nuts

Once that happens, I promise you will feel like a new person. Better and stronger than before

But it gets better than that. Once your mind is mellowed out, you will focus and succeed to change your thought patterns allowing you to feel even better

People say life is short all the time. It really isn't. It lasts a pretty long time.

This is only going to be a blip in a long healthy life