View Full Version : Anxious of anxiety itself, not sure if I'm actually a sufferer..

01-03-2015, 08:37 AM
Hi everyone!

Before anything else, I'm 20 years of age, male.

Basically, I'm worried and scared that I might have an anxiety disorder because of this excessive worry. I don't usually have spells of anxiety, and the last one that I had was over a year ago when my health wasn't going too well, and most of my anxiety were from my health problems, that somehow turned me hypochondriac.

During the past few days, I worried a little bit about my knee, since I felt some discomfort after working out, but that quickly went away. I worried about this more than I should, which then led me to believe that I might actually be a sufferer of an anxiety disorder.

I don't know what I'm exactly I'm experiencing right now, but I'll try to be as specific as I can be.

Basically, I'm afraid of anxiety itself. I'm scared of having an anxiety disorder, and I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing would actually qualify as an anxiety disorder. It's probably because I don't want to have a repeat of the anxiety that I experienced last year. The only difference is that I actually don't have anything to worry about right now, which upsets me even more since it makes me believe that all this is just useless worrying.

I'm also quite upset that while I can still function normally, I'm not doing the things that I usually enjoy doing since I want to wait until this is over to avoid association of those things to this mood.

I'm worried that I might be worrying too much.

I'm still doing fine though, it's just that there are times during the day when I remember all my worries and then feel very worried, which lasts for about a few minutes to an hour maybe until I somehow return to a "good" and much less worried mood.

I'm not sure if I'm a sufferer of anxiety or just having a bad time in general, lol. I'm actually looking forward to the end of winter break, which is in about 3 days, since I get to see my friends again in school and I will be very busy then, and most likely forget about this completely, until I get so much free time in my hands again lol.

Based on what I wrote, do you guys think that what I have is something to be worried about, or should I just drop it and carry on?

I'm just worried that I might be worrying too much.


01-03-2015, 08:56 AM
By all means, go on with your life

I do have some brief comments to shed light as to why your feeling this way: (and everyone else with anxiety continue to read as well) :

Over a year ago.... when my health wasn't going too well, and most of my anxiety were from my health problems. -Yes

During the past few days, I worried a little bit about my knee. - Associative fear from the memories of last year

It's probably because I don't want to have a repeat of the anxiety that I experienced last year. - Yes, correct

should I just drop it and carry on?

Yes, carry on. In a few days you'll be good as new. If the fear return, associate them with the feelings you had then, not now, and make the distinction of time clearly. Today you are healthy. Expect during life little bumps and bruises, like the knee. And remember when you do, to stay present, and not float off into what was.

Look forward to the time with friends and school, in the meantime use a friend or parent (relative) to keep you grounded in the present by talking with them. Exactly as you did here. If you need to. They can help you break the connection between then and now. As I have done.

Tell them you need the connection broken. Because they might not 'get it' otherwise. Today is today, and on this day, your feeling pretty good.


Just a side note to you (everyone) reading this in your 'today's' although this post could be a year old -

Now you my be in a different situation to our young friend. Your anxiety might be debilitating. You would consider it a disorder. I want you to understand you are using the same associative methods. Each little nuance (however small) of your current days brings back by association the first terrifying event (subconsciously associated). Which in itself triggers the physical symptoms of today, mimicing those of that initial experience. Not (in the heat of the moment) able to reason it out because the 2 separate events have now blended. Here is how a simple stomach spasm for example, can throw you into shock.

It's important to note that your so called 'healthy days' or those anxiety free days have also blended into the mix, and so the disorder can be compared to a run on sentence. Where does health or illness begin or end? There are no boundaries, say like those of a cold. With a cold you'd say " I have a runny nose, and tomorrow it will be gone, I will feel back to normal". If the experience of the runny nose was traumatic, and it blended, then you would expect 'normal day's' to include that nose symptom. You are able to discern the characteristics of 'health' and 'cold'. And hold the belief that 'cold' is temporary. Anxiety, attached with trauma, you fear to be permanent, the boundaries are not vivid, throwing worry and doubt into the already distasteful recipe.

In the case of the cold, you expect the runny nose to disappear, you do not fear it. Anxiety however, you expect to wake up with. There are no consistent discernable memories of healthy days, period. Healthy memories are fuzzy compared to the acute focus of the condition. And so the condition wins your attention.

In closing, and in all cases, begin to separate the events. Today is today, and has the potential for a good day, you see.

01-03-2015, 10:13 AM
Thanks so much for your response!

As I type this, I'm actually very relaxed, there are only certain times during the day when the worry will kick in, and somehow shut my emotions down for a brief moment. I'm actually not worrying at all at at this very moment, the only thing that's bothering me is that for some reason I know that somehow I'll worry a bit again tomorrow.

Reading my original post actually makes me realize that I actually have nothing to worry about. On top of that, your response kind of "assures" me that I'm doing fine. I completely understand what you are telling me, and I'm trying to do it at the same time face what's bothering me and realize that it's okay.

I have another question though, what would you consider as "debilitating worry"?

I got kinda curious about this because in another forum where I posted that exact same thing, I got the following response:

"One criteria for an anxiety disorder diagnosis would be if anxiety prevents you from going about your daily activities or basically enjoying life. It seems like you might be there. But for whatever it's worth, I wouldn't worry about whether or not you have an anxiety disorder. You clearly have an abnormal level of worry and anxiety weighing heavily on you, so you'll want to grab that bull by the horns and address it. Don't let worry interfere with you living your life any longer. It's been too long already.

My suggestion is to arrange for counseling so you can begin cognitive behavioral therapy. Depending on your wishes, you might also be prescribed something to help put your mind at ease which may also help make the CBT more effective.

In the meantime, remember that worrying accomplishes nothing. Zero. Nada. It is a fruitless activity. So instead go after what's causing the worry, because that CAN make a difference. Easier said than done, I realize. But try taking that advice to heart.

God bless you! "

While I appreciate and understand where he's coming from, I don't really think that I need to go there at this point yet. Like I said, I'm totally in control and aside from the "excessive worrying" at certain times of the day, I actually feel fine and I don't feel limited. It's just that for the moment, I try to avoid some activities to avoid association with my current mood. I feel like the only reason I would like to see a professional regarding this issue is to know whether or not what I'm experiencing would fall under an anxiety disorder, or if it is just another episode of anxiety.

I looked up several criteria regarding the diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and it seems that most of it would require the patient to be under the symptoms of anxiety on more days than not during the past 6 months. That's not the case for me, since my anxiety episodes are usually concentrated, lasting for a few days to a week or two, and then completely fading away.

It usually just comes back because there is a reason for me to be worried, but now that I actually have no present health problems, I'm actually just worried about my current and past excessive worries, and whether or not they would fall under an anxiety disorder.

I'm not sure how accurate the free online anxiety tests are (I would assume they aren't that accurate), but I answered each one of those as truthfully as possible and each one of them returned a result saying that I have mild to little or no anxiety at all. I guess that also suggests that I'm actually alright.

Again, thanks a lot for your response. It's really helping me! Somehow I'm just looking for assurance that I'm fine, aside from that I think I'm actually doing good.

Would love to hear what the others have to say too :)

01-03-2015, 10:24 AM
Thanks so much for your response!

As I type this, I'm actually very relaxed, there are only certain times during the day when the worry will kick in, and somehow shut my emotions down for a brief moment. I'm actually not worrying at all at at this very moment, the only thing that's bothering me is that for some reason I know that somehow I'll worry a bit again tomorrow.

Reading my original post actually makes me realize that I actually have nothing to worry about. On top of that, your response kind of "assures" me that I'm doing fine. I completely understand what you are telling me, and I'm trying to do it at the same time face what's bothering me and realize that it's okay.

I have another question though, what would you consider as "debilitating worry"?

I got kinda curious about this because in another forum where I posted that exact same thing, I got the following response:

"One criteria for an anxiety disorder diagnosis would be if anxiety prevents you from going about your daily activities or basically enjoying life. It seems like you might be there. But for whatever it's worth, I wouldn't worry about whether or not you have an anxiety disorder. You clearly have an abnormal level of worry and anxiety weighing heavily on you, so you'll want to grab that bull by the horns and address it. Don't let worry interfere with you living your life any longer. It's been too long already.

My suggestion is to arrange for counseling so you can begin cognitive behavioral therapy. Depending on your wishes, you might also be prescribed something to help put your mind at ease which may also help make the CBT more effective.

In the meantime, remember that worrying accomplishes nothing. Zero. Nada. It is a fruitless activity. So instead go after what's causing the worry, because that CAN make a difference. Easier said than done, I realize. But try taking that advice to heart.

God bless you! "

While I appreciate and understand where he's coming from, I don't really think that I need to go there at this point yet. Like I said, I'm totally in control and aside from the "excessive worrying" at certain times of the day, I actually feel fine and I don't feel limited. It's just that for the moment, I try to avoid some activities to avoid association with my current mood.

Again, thanks a lot for your response. It's really helping me! Somehow I'm just looking for assurance that I'm fine, aside from that I think I'm actually doing good.

Would love to hear what the others have to say too :)

You are correct. Disregard that message. That was a blanket statement without addressing your specific needs, and comes from someone who is anxious themself. So the advice is tainted in that regard.

Listen to me carefully, I'm teaching you here:

Your need to hear from others will attract others to you, as in the other forum. But, that need is currently based on subconscious fear, and so you will get all manner of haphazard fearful results that cater to your belief. I cannot say this with simpler terms, you see. You get what you attract from your inner emotions and expectations. So read my post 1000 times rather than 1000 sloppy confusing others.

Now, you were lucky and got me today. Before the rush. So listen up.

01-03-2015, 10:39 AM
I edited my post and added a few more details, but you were too quick, haha!

You are actually correct, the person was anxious and had his own thread in forums regarding his own issues (which were far greater in the degree of anxiety if you were to compare it with mine). I have nothing against him though, that's what I get from seeking too much answers.

You pretty much nailed it with the third sentence of your last response too! I'm not sure if I completely grasped that, but I do understand what you are telling me. It seems that my mind chooses what it wants to agree with what it's currently experiencing.

Again, I GREATLY appreciate everything that you have been telling me. Those replies have been of great aid to me, especially that I actually think that nothing's wrong with me.

In case you want to know what I added to my previous post, it's:

"I feel like the only reason I would like to see a professional (if I ever would) regarding this issue is to know whether or not what I'm experiencing would fall under an anxiety disorder, or if it is just another episode of anxiety.

I looked up several criteria regarding the diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and it seems that most of it would require the patient to be under the symptoms of anxiety on more days than not during the past 6 months. That's not the case for me, since my anxiety episodes are usually concentrated, lasting for a few days to a week or two, and then completely fading away.

It usually just comes back because there is a reason for me to be worried, but now that I actually have no present health problems, I'm actually just worried about my current and past excessive worries, and whether or not they would fall under an anxiety disorder.

I'm not sure how accurate the free online anxiety tests are (I would assume they aren't that accurate), but I answered each one of those as truthfully as possible and each one of them returned a result saying that I have mild to little or no anxiety at all. I guess that also suggests that I'm actually alright."

If you don't mind and if I'm not taking much of your time, I would like to hear your opinion on that one.

Again, thanks so much. You have no idea how much light you shed on me with those responses!

01-03-2015, 10:53 AM
I edited my post and added a few more details, but you were too quick, haha!

You are actually correct, the person was anxious and had his own thread in forums regarding his own issues (which were far greater in the degree of anxiety if you were to compare it with mine). I have nothing against him though, that's what I get from seeking too much answers.

You pretty much nailed it with the third sentence of your last response too! I'm not sure if I completely grasped that, but I do understand what you are telling me. It seems that my mind chooses what it wants to agree with what it's currently experiencing.

Again, I GREATLY appreciate everything that you have been telling me. Those replies have been of great aid to me, especially that I actually think that nothing's wrong with me.

In case you want to know what I added to my previous post, it's:

"I feel like the only reason I would like to see a professional (if I ever would) regarding this issue is to know whether or not what I'm experiencing would fall under an anxiety disorder, or if it is just another episode of anxiety.

I looked up several criteria regarding the diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and it seems that most of it would require the patient to be under the symptoms of anxiety on more days than not during the past 6 months. That's not the case for me, since my anxiety episodes are usually concentrated, lasting for a few days to a week or two, and then completely fading away.

It usually just comes back because there is a reason for me to be worried, but now that I actually have no present health problems, I'm actually just worried about my current and past excessive worries, and whether or not they would fall under an anxiety disorder.

I'm not sure how accurate the free online anxiety tests are (I would assume they aren't that accurate), but I answered each one of those as truthfully as possible and each one of them returned a result saying that I have mild to little or no anxiety at all. I guess that also suggests that I'm actually alright."

If you don't mind and if I'm not taking much of your time, I would like to hear your opinion on that one.

Again, thanks so much. You have no idea how much light you shed on me with those responses!

Anxiety (anything in life) is to be measured by how you feel, not a test. So I would not take them. You know they are not necessary. You feel it.

I havent got into your belief systems, your parents, or childhood conditioning, or the illness from last year because I did not feel it was necessary. My posts in their entirety I believe is enough for you to make some connection until back at school and busy with friends.

In the future if things stir up, emotions regarding family, relationships, work, then have a talk with a therapist. For now, separate the moments, live current. And look forward to a fulfilling, fun, exciting and productive year. Then that is what you shall have. Picture that as your dominant thoughts. That is what your imagination is for. To be used constructively.

If man can control but one thing, it is his own mind. Keep yours away from the negative influences of others.

(I am actually a medium) and a friend today.

01-03-2015, 11:00 AM
Alright, thanks a lot again!

Actually, I never had trouble with the normal stress that school, relationships, family, and work could bring. Even in highly stressful situations, I don't experience this type of anxiety/worry. I don't really feel like I would ever need the help of a professional regarding this. It's just that for some reason, when I start worrying about something, I always want an assurance that I'm okay, even if I already know the answer (it's usually a yes). It seems that it only comes on when my health is concerned. I looked at other threads in this forum regarding symptoms, and how it manifests in different people. I'm not sure, but what I'm experiencing is totally far from those. Maybe, like you said, my mind is convincing me that I have an anxiety disorder because of all the reading and answer-seeking that I have been doing in the past few days.

You make a lot of sense to me, I will surely keep everything you said in mind!

Edit: another thing is that this thread (our conversation, to be specific) actually helped me pick out what my specific worries are, and that makes everything easier too I guess.

01-03-2015, 07:04 PM
If anybody has anything else to say regarding this, I would gladly appreciate to hear your thoughts as well.


01-03-2015, 07:23 PM
If anybody has anything else to say regarding this, I would gladly appreciate to hear your thoughts as well.


I suffered from what you are dealing with for yars

Anxious about being anxious. How cruel is that?

Constantly worried that you will feel bad in certain situations or places

It really doesn't matter what you are anxious about. People focus on that one thing not realizing that once you get enough reassurance about that one thing, anxiety is more than happy to serve up a new issue

You have to address the Anxiey itself. Changing your thoughts and reactions to your thoughts

Just that easy! I know it is a little tougher than that.

Get your mind on the right path by learning what anxiety is and how it has you react

Once you understand those things, it is pretty easy to get past

Best wishes!

01-04-2015, 09:14 PM
Hi everyone, I would just like to update you with how I'm feeling at the moment :)

I have a few questions though, and I would appreciate to get some answers from you guys, especially from ImSuffering.

Again, I looked around at the other threads in this forum and it seems like what I'm experiencing is far milder than everybody else, but still enough to bother me lol.

My present symptoms are just worrying that tends to go on and off, and a general "nervous" or anxious feeling, which sometimes makes me nauseous and lose my appetite as well. I still try to eat as much as I can though, I don't want my health to actually suffer from this.

I seem to be worried most about the past, like I said in my earlier posts. I'm scared that I might have a repeat of those periods where I was very anxious. My present worry at the moment is centered around what I experienced as a child around 12-13 years ago. As a child, I loved playing video games, alone or with my cousins, and that's pretty much what I did mostly when I was home.

At one time, I had a really bad fever that caused me to have hallucinations in the middle of my sleep at night. I would wake up and scream as if something bad was going to happen to me, then it would stop after about a few minutes. I believe my doctors at that time said that the hallucinations were from my fever. During the days the following days, I was anxious and scared generally about what happened, and stopped playing video games at all, since most of the games that I played had violence. I kept on wondering about what happened and how it happened, and it took me a while to get over it. After a few months, I was generally feeling okay, and after about 2-3 years, I completely got over the incident and could even laugh about it. Lived a normal life as if nothing happened, doesn't even bother me anymore one bit. Remember, this was 12-13 years ago.

Back to the present, it seems like I'm feeling the same way that I did from back then! I'm not sure how this happened, but I woke up this morning feeling that way. Again, this is making me kinda upset because I should have nothing to worry about, and that was something very far back from the past. I feel bad because I feel like it's coming back again, though I know that I will get over this, especially once school starts hopefully (which is about 2 days away).

Usually, remembering the incident from my childhood gives me no problems at all, since I know what exactly happened and that I have totally moved on from it. Like I said, I could even laugh about it and tell my friends too about my experience. I would get in the same "mood" but quickly forget about it and drop the thought because I know that it is nothing.

However, today seems to be different, and I don't know why. It seems like my mind chooses to dwell on those things and over analyze them, to the point that the mood is actually getting back to me. It seems to me that I'm worried that I might be worrying too much when I shouldn't be worrying at all.

I would like to hear maybe a simple explanation as to why I feel this way. Would this be considered a really bad case anxiety, or am I just bored/missing my friends so my mind chooses to think about those things?

Also, I usually have days when my mood is pretty bad, but I can just pass those days of as "bad days" and move on and be completely fine the following day, without even worrying about why my mood was the way it was the past day.

But lately, it seems that my mind loves to analyze and know exactly why I'm feeling the way I do, or basically dwell too much on thoughts that aren't really necessary.

Thanks everyone!

01-04-2015, 11:20 PM
Hi everyone!

Before anything else, I'm 20 years of age, male.

Basically, I'm worried and scared that I might have an anxiety disorder because of this excessive worry. I don't usually have spells of anxiety, and the last one that I had was over a year ago when my health wasn't going too well, and most of my anxiety were from my health problems, that somehow turned me hypochondriac.

During the past few days, I worried a little bit about my knee, since I felt some discomfort after working out, but that quickly went away. I worried about this more than I should, which then led me to believe that I might actually be a sufferer of an anxiety disorder.

I don't know what I'm exactly I'm experiencing right now, but I'll try to be as specific as I can be.

Basically, I'm afraid of anxiety itself. I'm scared of having an anxiety disorder, and I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing would actually qualify as an anxiety disorder. It's probably because I don't want to have a repeat of the anxiety that I experienced last year. The only difference is that I actually don't have anything to worry about right now, which upsets me even more since it makes me believe that all this is just useless worrying.

I'm also quite upset that while I can still function normally, I'm not doing the things that I usually enjoy doing since I want to wait until this is over to avoid association of those things to this mood.

I'm worried that I might be worrying too much.

I'm still doing fine though, it's just that there are times during the day when I remember all my worries and then feel very worried, which lasts for about a few minutes to an hour maybe until I somehow return to a "good" and much less worried mood.

I'm not sure if I'm a sufferer of anxiety or just having a bad time in general, lol. I'm actually looking forward to the end of winter break, which is in about 3 days, since I get to see my friends again in school and I will be very busy then, and most likely forget about this completely, until I get so much free time in my hands again lol.

Based on what I wrote, do you guys think that what I have is something to be worried about, or should I just drop it and carry on?

I'm just worried that I might be worrying too much.


Just do the steps necessary to be free of your anxiety.