View Full Version : A Loan approval Manager called and asked if I had consented for Loan in My Name ?

01-02-2015, 09:04 PM
I sad definately NOT, and then he seemed surprised. No I did NOT FORGET about a bank meeting and having just consented to some sort of loan. So, after he said his good bye, I panicked and immediately almost pooped my pants. Then I focused and had to do research to see what I must do if this loan has been taken out in my name. Now the banker guy seems like he was just double checking and some one must have found my phone number and name and thought they would be a real smart alack

But I made 2 reports. 1 To the fed Trade Commission and 1 to my local Police Dept for Identity Theft and potential Fraud case. Then I had to go to a place for credit ratings online like Experian.com. There I had to share my new Police Report # and place a temp freeze on any new credit accounts or loans recently opened in my name and ID. I sure hope that the banker was just double checking, and that's as far as the suspect was allowed to attempt to open the loan in my name...