View Full Version : I must attend a job Interview on Monday, and feeling very nervous:

01-02-2015, 08:47 PM
I already work p/t but am very interested in finding the perfect 2nd job. My first job doesn't pay quite enough. Therefore I must use my energy to go out and interview to find this next job of mine. I don't want to completely quit my 1st job , just work some extra 2nd job hours around the 1st job of mine. I really wish my 1st job would just grant me a $50.00 per day pay raise. I have been earning the same amount for the past 8 yrs now. I am nervous too for this Monday interview, as I don't quite know what to wear to it. I must also do a Map Quest to figure out how to even get to my place of interview. Then my blood sugar always seems to drop around 11:30 ish and my interview is at 11AM sharp. I hope my blood sugar doesn't blow my future career chance. Wish me Luck ALL.


01-02-2015, 11:33 PM
Best wishes on the interview!

01-05-2015, 09:50 PM
Thanks, I didn't go after all. I was too anxious and there were too many additional post interview app pages that I was told I would have to complete to even be Considered for the job. So I just went to work today and taught, and had fun, and made money too. Otherwise I would have felt guilty and probly come home after and eaten myself sick. Instead I had a soy and strawberry smoothy and stayed at gym for an 1.5 duration. I think I need to drop 20 Lbs ASAP. This job situation has propelled me in the absolute opposite direction that I began.....Now more ME directed...And could care less about Them anymore....!!!

01-05-2015, 10:40 PM
There will be more opportunities when you are ready, glad you had fun in class