View Full Version : New symptom! So scared😢

01-02-2015, 03:56 PM
So over the past two weeks j have been having an on and off again burning sensation in my head and right eyebrow area. It is freaking me out!! It goes up the back of my head. Like a numbness burning feeling. Anyone know what's causing it or have the same thing???

01-02-2015, 05:23 PM
I've experienced that many times. It is really just blood rushing to your head when you are anxious, and adrenaline starts to flood your bloodstream. I've experienced it in my scalp and also my hands neck and back at times. Often accompanied by ringing in the ears. Used to freak me out too but not anymore it is harmless.

Trust me after 20 years of dealing with anxiety I can attest to the fact that the symptoms are so varied. If you are prone to anxiety and obsessive thoughts, and you start having strange physical sensations, you can be pretty sure it is just the anxiety.

The mind really is a powerful thing. When you are anxious your body may respond in a myriad of ways. Then because of your heightened state of anxiety your mind latches onto the physical sensation and you start worrying about it and thinking about it excessively. Then you are subconsciously always checking to see if you feel it, and you usually will because you are getting anxious just thinking about it. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Next time it happens don't give in to the fear. Make sure you keep breathing normally. Tell yourself it is just anxiety, just thoughts, and thoughts CANNOT hurt you. It is just a misfiring of your bodies fight or flight response. There is no danger.

01-02-2015, 05:32 PM

01-02-2015, 05:33 PM
I've had this.

I can't explain it medically, but what triggered the sensation for me was anxiety. I felt very anxious, so I felt it.
Don't worry that it's an illness, that causes anxiety. You see, It's a vicious circle, these strange symptoms keep appearing in more intense ways because you resist them, and resist even more as it gets worse. Simply allow yourself to feel the 'symptom', and in a way, you'll see it go.

All the best

01-02-2015, 09:31 PM
Thank you all for responding:) it's the weirdest head feeling and it causes me much more anxiety just thinking about it. Deep down I know it's anxiety and not a brain tumor or anything. I just don't get how anxiety can be so physical. I don't feel anxious until these physical symptoms come. Thank you so much for listening and aml0017 for the link:)

01-02-2015, 10:14 PM
I've gotten this a lot but its calmed down lately. I wonder if the blood rush or adrenaline rush going through the body. I'd get in my arms and head, started in my stomach. I hated that.

01-02-2015, 10:18 PM
Who or what are you so angry at (or about)?

I'm not angry that I know of. I have no reason to be angry.

01-02-2015, 10:19 PM
I've gotten this a lot but its calmed down lately. I wonder if the blood rush or adrenaline rush going through the body. I'd get in my arms and head, started in my stomach. I hated that.

Ahhhh it just sucks!! That's my thing is things calmed down until the last two weeks this head thing started

01-03-2015, 10:17 AM
So over the past two weeks j have been having an on and off again burning sensation in my head and right eyebrow area. It is freaking me out!! It goes up the back of my head. Like a numbness burning feeling. Anyone know what's causing it or have the same thing???

It could be neuralgia. Anxiety can make this worse. You may also have muscle knots (trigger points) in your neck muscles which cause head pain and that burning feeling. Try neck massage :)