View Full Version : Hangover anxiety?

Charles Price
01-02-2015, 04:06 AM
New years eve + Binge drinking = Relapse
I was having rapid heart beat, tight chest, disturbed sleep. Anyone else sufferer with anxiety during a hangover?

01-02-2015, 04:19 AM
All the time. Which is why I drink only a few times a year. Your body is dehydrated and alcohol is a depressant which will result in the increase of your anxiety. Try and hydrate yourself again. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing bad is going to happen!

01-02-2015, 07:00 AM
New years eve + Binge drinking = Relapse
I was having rapid heart beat, tight chest, disturbed sleep. Anyone else sufferer with anxiety during a hangover?

Many times I have told you that you need to take care of yourself, or in your case, begin to at least like yourself.

You cannot hear Mr Price? The more foolish the acts, the more I will remind you. One day, the act may not be recoverable, you see, in such an easy way.

01-02-2015, 07:37 PM
New years eve + Binge drinking = Relapse
I was having rapid heart beat, tight chest, disturbed sleep. Anyone else sufferer with anxiety during a hangover?

I used to get this a lot when I was drinking, and was one (of many) reasons I quit. The better hydrated you stay, the better you'll feel. In my experience, the alcohol took that steady anxiety and locked it in a room for a while, then released it all at once when the booze wore off. Not a pleasant feeling.

01-02-2015, 07:38 PM
Many times I have told you that you need to take care of yourself, or in your case, begin to at least like yourself.

You cannot hear Mr Price? The more foolish the acts, the more I will remind you. One day, the act may not be recoverable, you see, in such an easy way.

And you're easily one of the most unlikeable posters in this forum. It's bad enough that we're all dealing with anxiety, depression or other issues. We don't need your condescending attitude on top of that.

01-02-2015, 08:32 PM
New years eve + Binge drinking = Relapse
I was having rapid heart beat, tight chest, disturbed sleep. Anyone else sufferer with anxiety during a hangover?

It's not nice for sure! It can be good practice though. Practice to keep going when you don't feel so hot, practice to resist from participating in anxious behaviour.

There are two things that make me shaky now, one's poor sleep, the other too much alcohol. One of my New Years Resolutions is to live a darn healthy life for a while, lol. I'm excited about it actually.

Hope your hangover anxiety passes soon for you.

01-02-2015, 08:40 PM
And you're easily one of the most unlikeable posters in this forum. It's bad enough that we're all dealing with anxiety, depression or other issues. We don't need your condescending attitude on top of that.

I was quite critical of IS when I returned to the forum. First time I'd seen him. I found his tone to be quite arrogant, thought he was selling something actually, but I learnt that's just his writing voice. I've found his writing to come without ego attached, which is surprising. It's not always easy reading, but I don't get the impression he means anything ill to anyone. If he did, he could have certainly retaliated towards me. Everyone has their way of helping. Their own style.

Still, if you don't like something, you don't like it right. If ever you need it, there's a block feature in the settings. Boy did us old schoolers suffer with some insufferable trolls in the past before we got that installed. ;)

01-03-2015, 10:23 AM
Yes anxiety is a very common symptom of hangover especially with dizziness and feeling light headed and nauseous, heartburn indigestion etc.

You may be anxious of the dizziness etc. The dehydration doesn't help either.

Best to drink lots of water or an isotonic drink like Gatorade or lucozade.

01-03-2015, 06:08 PM
I would say 90 percent of my anxiety attacks come after a night of drinking