View Full Version : gad panic disorder

Jennifer sosa
01-01-2015, 03:00 PM
Greetings ,

My name is Jennifer Sosa I've been struggling with gad and panic disoRders Since a long time ago.
In my case my anxiety comes with violent and sexual thoughts has any of you expeRience Something like that ?

01-01-2015, 03:07 PM
Hey Jen

Nice to meet you.

Unfortunately I have suffered from OCD-type intrusive thoughts, and GAD, in the past. Not a fun time in my life.

How long have you had them?

Jennifer sosa
01-01-2015, 03:10 PM
Thanks so much for your reply. Just so you know I'm Mexican English is not my first language in case my spelling is not very good.

Jennifer sosa
01-01-2015, 03:12 PM
I've been struggling with crazy thoughts Since i was 16. I moved to the usa and i got marry i thOught my life had changed becAuse my husband is an excellent man i had kids and i started haVing violent thOughts and sexual towards them SomeTimes i think I'm a monster because i haven't met anybody that has this type of thoughts

01-01-2015, 03:12 PM
Greetings ,

My name is Jennifer Sosa I've been struggling with gad and panic disoRders Since a long time ago.
In my case my anxiety comes with violent and sexual thoughts has any of you expeRience Something like that ?

Hi, Jennifer and welcome

From your thread, I am not sure if you mean violent sexual thoughts or violent thoughts and sexual thoughts

Violent intrusive thoughts are normal for anxiety sufferers. Often, hurting or killing their family or themselves is a fear and can cause panic when thinking of them

That is why the thoughts are so scary. If you react like that to the thought, they must be true

Just another symptom in a long line of symptoms of anxiety but these thoughts are especially tough to understand

If you dwell on sexual thoughts, this too is often another symptom of anxiety, obsessive thoughts.

Anytime you find yourself dwelling on any one thought for too long, just write it off as a symptom, which it is

Jennifer sosa
01-01-2015, 03:14 PM
I have had the scariest unreal thoughts like what if i cHeated on my husband and i don't remember? SomeTimes i feel ashamed :(

Jennifer sosa
01-01-2015, 03:17 PM
I have had violent thoughts sexual thoughts and very unreal thoughts like the one I mentioned about cheating on my Husband which is not true obviously .

01-01-2015, 04:56 PM
I remember feeling the same. I felt very ashamed and evil because I was having violent intrusive thoughts. I guess I felt like a monster, which is a horrible thing to feel when you've done nothing wrong.

Intrusive thoughts are a type of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), which is just another side-effect of having GAD. They're OCD as you obsess over one type of idea, lets say being unfaithful, and then ruminate, in order words think a lot, trying to work things out, find evidence for or against, and "solve" the fear by proving it incorrect. Asking "what if.." questions are another type of rumination. "What if I hurt that child?" What if I cheated on my husband?"

The good news is, the whole condition is ridiculous, and means nothing. These types of thoughts don't mean you're a violent person, don't mean you have or will be unfaithful, don't mean you've gone against your religion. The chances of them being true, or ever being true are like 0%..

The idea is to desensitise yourself to them. When your intrusive thoughts say, "What if I cheated on my husband?" Your mind needs to say, "meh, I don't care about this thought." This isn't easy to do, so don't worry if you can't straight away. Things such as education, meditation and therapy are all very effective.

Have you read any books on the subject? If not, I can recommend some cheap ones you can find on Amazon that will help.

01-01-2015, 04:58 PM
P.s. Your English is very good. Much better than my Spanish. ;)

01-02-2015, 03:02 AM
The biggest question you need to ask yourself is whether or not these thoughts happen significantly enough and cause enough distress to be considered a problem. If they are, then you need treatment.

Many cognitive behavioral therapists are trained to teach people how to control their intrusive thoughts. There are also methods you can employ at home that will improve your ability to stay calm when these thoughts occur. In the long term, you'll need to discover ways to control your anxiety directly, because your anxiety is what causes these intrusive thoughts in the first place.