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Two One
01-01-2015, 12:55 PM
To preface this story, this whole situation began with bothersome muscle tension a few days before Christmas Eve. I was suffering from muscle tension as a result of my anxiety the week of Christmas. As a result, I took a couple Tylenol to ease the discomfort, and I did this for about three days. I was only taking one dose a day but I was taking it for three days straight. On Christmas Eve I developed a dull headache, although it was not too severe it was bothersome. I began to fear that I was suffering from a medication-overuse or rebound headache. Rebound headaches often are accompanied by nausea, as an emetophobic, this created a lot of anxiety and panic for me. Christmas Day was miserable to say the least. I had a headache and my stomach was very uncomfortable. A huge problem for me is I'm someone who's not entirely sure what nausea feels like. Finally, my mom got me to give in and take some Advil. This took the headache away.

Unfortunately, the day after Christmas I woke up with a headache. Once again the ruminative worry of rebound headache or a migraine set in. I also experienced a significant loss of appetite, though this could be due to my fear of vomiting, which in turn causes a fear of eating. Friday night I took a Klonopin which helped me sleep and significantly reduced my anxiety the next day. Saturday I was able to eat and go through my day. But... Once again, on Sunday the headache returned and has persisted all the way to today. I still have it. Every day I have a dull, annoying headache that changes location a lot. But the occipital part of my skull usually hurts all the time. I'm having a hard time convincing myself the headaches are a result of my anxiety. Since it's the holidays I cannot contact my primary care physician. I'm in desperate need of help as the constant pain is making me depressed. I see no point in going through life if I'm going to be in chronic pain. The suicidal thoughts have returned and I am in desperate need of some advice as I can't eat and I lack the energy to do anything. I have no interest in anything and all I want to do is sleep because that's the only time I feel okay.

01-01-2015, 01:10 PM
The only thing you have is anxiety. All your symptoms add up to that

First take suicide off the table. That is no answer. Especially with something that can be overcome pretty easily once you get on the right path

Keep thinking that way and you need to let someone know what is going on

Feeling like anxiety will never end often causes depression, understandably. Can seem hopeless sometimes

When you take a benzo, you feel better. That tells you all you need to know that the symptoms are caused from your tired and anxious mind

If you haven't done so, took to the GP about getting on a SSRI.

That will dramatically reduce your anxiety and wipe the depression out along the way.

Once you are feeling better, then go after the answers you need to understand and how to leave anxiety behind you

This just seems like it is endless. It really isn't

So many people here that have felt as you do now and are living a kick ass life

Al your interests and personality will return soon enough