View Full Version : At gym today I went to lay and do sit ups and felt weak and dizzy?
12-31-2014, 05:48 PM
Is this anxiety. I mean I was at the gym, knowing 1 of my biggest goals for the new year is to drop 20 LBS. I have been working on this damn goal for the past frig-gen 3 years. I am getting totally tired of it. However; tired or not, daily I attend my gym after a lite walk. Then I ride the bike there, and do the circuits and lastly the stair master. But today I began to feel light headed before I lay down to do the sit up machine. When I lay down to do sit ups the room began to seem like it was going to spin, the lights above my head were extra bright to me, and I could not get myself to do sit ups after I felt like that. Then I went and did the leg press machine, and again I completed 10 sets of 10 reps but when I went to stand up, I felt embarrassed for I teetered towards the wall to my left and I am NO DRUNK...., nor am I pregnant either. My ears have no problem but my wheezing and sensitivity to cold air has been worse lately, esp after I took it upon myself to wipe off 40 desks with Lysol just to clean them. But after that a week later I began having these bronchitis symptoms. And today, I checked my checking acct and my pay check is delayed a few days from the holiday. So I felt surprised as pay day usually deposits automatically and like clock work orange right on time into my acct every month at end of the month. So that's the last thing that happened before I took a brief walk and then went to the gym. I went to do the sit ups after the chest press and that's when I began to feel dizzy. So am I going to die, or am I having a Stroke? I am 48 y/o and in usually good health. I feel as though someone slipped a Benny or 2 into my aqua coco I was drinking at home before I left to the gym. I was the only 1 home, and my bro was sleeping?
01-01-2015, 02:09 PM
I didn't see this yesterday so here is a bump
As you are probably aware, you didn't have a stroke and did not die
And your anxiety got the best of you it sounds. Getting dizzy at the gym is so common, even without anxiety and if you have it, that happens all too frequently
Regarding you working out to get back in the shape you want, I may not know much but I have spend quite a bit of time training in the gym over the years
I am in my 40's as well
Perhaps you have done this when making your goals or not but what I have learned is that you have to have goals and a plan
My goals each year, professional and personal read like a novel. Just finished them for 2015 last weekend by the way!
I list each goal, list the things I have to do to achieve it and have time restraints on each part of it.
Without a plan, a goal just becomes a hope and hope is not a strategy
This is just an example of how I set my goals up if it helps. I used your goal for this
Not saying this will work for you but it keeps me focused. Once I have a mapped plan, it just seems easy to stick to
Good luck with your goal and hope the anxiety disappears for you in 2015
Lose 20 lbs by May 31
- Reduce caloric intake by XXXX per day
* All lunches for work prepared at home and will consist of the following choices: XXXXXXXXXXX
* Breakfast choice to consist of XXXXXXXXXXX daily
* Dinner choice to consist of XXXXXXX daily
* Friday night is cheat night and I can choose from the following for dinner: XXXXXXXX
- Physical Fitness
* Burn xxx calories on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday on XXXXXXXX machine
* 3 days strength training divided into Back/biceps, Chest/Shoulders/triceps, Legs/Abs
* List number of sets and reps for each exercise performed
01-02-2015, 08:53 PM
Are you by choice a Personal Trainer, or just a Gym/Calorie Guru?
01-03-2015, 05:51 PM
I am not a trainer
Just a bunch of years trying to reach peak shape
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