View Full Version : what symptoms do you get daily??

12-31-2014, 01:30 PM
Hi I'm just wondering what symptoms people get daily and how you manage them with out thinking the worst all the time.
Cheers guys and happy new year

12-31-2014, 04:38 PM
Well I don't get all symptoms ALL the time but I have periods of several days to several weeks when my anxiety is just constant. Usually I will wake around 3 am and toss and turn till I have to get up. In the morning I will feel the worst, I will have such a heavy feeling on my chest and just a panicky doom and gloom feeling. Makes it hard to get out of bed.

As the day progresses this feeling usually subsides. Mostly my mind will latch on to anything I may be worried about and I will just constantly think of it. I'll also experience some detachment sometimes where I feel like I'm in a bubble and everything is far away or not real.

Usually by 6pm or so I am feeling alot better and can go to sleep pretty much. Until 3 am when it starts over. Some days are worse than others with a lot of crying, or a panic attack but mostly this is my cycle when the anxiety takes hold.

It can be different for each person though. Mostly I know it is really all in my head. Thoughts cannot hurt me. I make sure I breathe normally and relax my neck and shoulders. I tell myself there is no danger I am ok.

12-31-2014, 09:56 PM
Mine vary as well. Right now I am dealing with heart flutters, shortness of breath, weird feeling in head, dizziness, and bloat.
This will go on for a while. I've had these specific symptoms for about a week.

I usually ALWAYS have shortness of breath.

Robert Tressell
01-01-2015, 12:50 PM
Always worse in the mornings, wake early, jittery tummy, racing thoughts etc. Take the dog for a walk and have my breakfast and it eases and improves as the day progresses, by 10pm i'm usually falling into bed, though I've started reading again before lights out and this certainly has a calming effect.

Strange but todays not been good after a reasonably happy Christmas break. That's the way it is with anxiety, peaks and troughs.

01-02-2015, 12:28 PM
My symptoms vary, things have been better in the last month since my doc adjusted my meds. Anymore I'm not experiencing continuous symptoms throughout the day. Things were a little worse over the holiday break because I didn't have much to distract my mind from things.
Like Robert above I've found that my anxiety can be worse in the mornings at times. My most consistent symptoms if I'm anxious during the day are: feeling on edge, easily startled, inability to concentrate, shaky/jittery, feeling out of break (at times), loss of appetite, nausea, pressure in my chest (on the sternum mostly). That's just off the top of my head.
Things that I use to manage my anxiety include meds (I take Cymbalta and buspirone) and I have counseling appointments on a regular basis. I use visualization and my counselor gave me a Progressive Muscle Relaxation cd that I use when my anxiety levels get high. I probably use visualization the most because its fairly easy for me to find quite places to go during the day to practice it. The visualization that works best for me is imagining myself on a beach. I also started doing yoga last fall and have discovered that it helps reduce my stress and anxiety. One of my biggest ways to cope/deal with anxiety symptoms is distracting myself. When I find my sitting somewhere ruminating over "what if's" or catastrophizing I find something to do. Mostly hobby stuff like if I'm not having trouble focusing I'll read or if nothing else I find someone to talk to.

Robert Tressell
01-02-2015, 01:47 PM
My symptoms vary, things have been better in the last month since my doc adjusted my meds. Anymore I'm not experiencing continuous symptoms throughout the day. Things were a little worse over the holiday break because I didn't have much to distract my mind from things.
Like Robert above I've found that my anxiety can be worse in the mornings at times. My most consistent symptoms if I'm anxious during the day are: feeling on edge, easily startled, inability to concentrate, shaky/jittery, feeling out of break (at times), loss of appetite, nausea, pressure in my chest (on the sternum mostly). That's just off the top of my head.
Things that I use to manage my anxiety include meds (I take Cymbalta and buspirone) and I have counseling appointments on a regular basis. I use visualization and my counselor gave me a Progressive Muscle Relaxation cd that I use when my anxiety levels get high. I probably use visualization the most because its fairly easy for me to find quite places to go during the day to practice it. The visualization that works best for me is imagining myself on a beach. I also started doing yoga last fall and have discovered that it helps reduce my stress and anxiety. One of my biggest ways to cope/deal with anxiety symptoms is distracting myself. When I find my sitting somewhere ruminating over "what if's" or catastrophizing I find something to do. Mostly hobby stuff like if I'm not having trouble focusing I'll read or if nothing else I find someone to talk to.

Distraction is a great strategy, my anxiety thrives best in quiet moments eg at night!

I've had a really busy day today and anxiety was in the background; Not so busy yesterday and anxiety through the roof!

Sounds like you've got a good plan, best of luck with it !

01-02-2015, 03:43 PM
Hi I'm just wondering what symptoms people get daily and how you manage them with out thinking the worst all the time.
Cheers guys and happy new year

They can vary considerably. But my most common daily symptoms are:
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Heart Palpitations
- Lack of Balance

01-02-2015, 04:54 PM
Since the past year I rarely ever get relief from chest pain. I'm not sure if I should if I should be worried by that or relieved. I've gottan many tests done many times.

01-02-2015, 05:08 PM
Hi I'm just wondering what symptoms people get daily and how you manage them with out thinking the worst all the time.
Cheers guys and happy new year

Suddenly becoming aware of my heartbeat.


Eye twitching

Dry mouth

Fast heartbeat


Shooting pains in head and legs

Staring into space

Sudden feeling of impending doom.

I 'try' to deal with these symptoms by distraction and by reassuring myself over and over again that it is just anxiety and nothing bad is going to happen.

01-02-2015, 06:54 PM
Suddenly becoming aware of my heartbeat.


Eye twitching

Dry mouth

Fast heartbeat


Shooting pains in head and legs

Staring into space

Sudden feeling of impending doom.

I 'try' to deal with these symptoms by distraction and by reassuring myself over and over again that it is just anxiety and nothing bad is going to happen.

She stole all my damn answers!

01-03-2015, 01:14 AM
She stole all my damn answers!

haha :) I'm sorry Nixon

01-03-2015, 09:52 AM
Hi I'm just wondering what symptoms people get daily and how you manage them with out thinking the worst all the time.
Cheers guys and happy new year

My main symptoms are feeling spaced out and unreal, like feeling as if you are about to faint or just loose control altogether. I try to convince my self that panic attacks do not result in fainting, going mad or becoming permanently confused as I have been told by many doctors and CBT therapists.

However I have never let myself experience maximum panic preferring to use safety behaviours instead like distraction, avoidance or escape which only increase anxiety :(
The reason is I'm not brave enough to try out experiencing full panic as therapists advise especially when driving or in a strange place.

01-03-2015, 09:56 AM
I feel spaced out and unreal but also fearful of any symptoms associated with anxiety such as digestive discomfort even though that may have been caused by eating too much! I am convinced that digestive discomfort is always and anxiety symptom and that brings about the unreal feelings.
On the contrary I've been having toothache and the only good thing is that it distracts from anxiety, because toothache is not associated in any way with anxiety.

01-04-2015, 01:00 AM
I always have this
Shortness of breath
Heavy chest or chest pain
Light headedness
Sometimes a numb feeling
When it really attacks, i feel all of these altogether, then
My back also hurts

Actually, i dont know yet how to deal with it, but
Paper bag helps when hyperventilating
It REALLY helps if someone is hugging me while gently stroking me at the back.. it really relaxes me
Its kinda funny but i tell myself to stop(sometimes out loud).
It also helps when i'm talking to someone who experienced or is experiencing the same symptoms.

01-04-2015, 01:12 AM
Suddenly becoming aware of my heartbeat.


Eye twitching

Dry mouth

Fast heartbeat


Shooting pains in head and legs

Staring into space

Sudden feeling of impending doom.

I 'try' to deal with these symptoms by distraction and by reassuring myself over and over again that it is just anxiety and nothing bad is going to happen.

I see a lot of these symptoms on the side effects list of most medications these days.

For me - my issues is trusting people.

Since coming of meds and addressing my fitness, most of the quoted symptoms have eased for me -> a lot

Still got trust issues with people in general though and generally a mad bastard - but I don't mind so much.

Working on it with participation posts like this one:

Hello Nixon. http://cdn.content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/000203D4.gif

01-04-2015, 08:41 AM
I am mostly over my anxiety, but I remember having heart palpitations, frequent headaches, feeling of being afraid. I would sometimes get lethargy too where my body felt like two tons and sooo tired no matter how much sleep I got. It usually went away after a few days. I'm having another lethargy spell now. =/

01-04-2015, 02:30 PM
I have alot of the previous symptoms like breathlessness, heart palps, sweaty palms, off balance, spaced out, feeling like I'm dying....etc.
But now for the past few days I am getting up in middle of the night to use the toilet... Is this a symptom?? I am more stressed and anxious lately than ever!!