View Full Version : Hello!

12-17-2005, 07:28 AM
My name is Gwena and I am a bundle of nerves. I am 33 years old, happily married, and have two beautiful daughters. I finally returned to college this past August after a 14 year hiatus. That in itself was a major step for me.

I have been diagnosed with GAD. There are days, like today, where I would rather be tarred and feathered than leave the house. I recently tried effexor xr, and was miserable. My Dr prescribed paxil, but I am afraid of it being like all of the other med's I've tried. I do plan on researching herbal alternatives.

I'll type more later and check out the rest of the board. Now I need to talk myself into going to the store, and to the post office.

12-17-2005, 08:02 AM
Welcome Gwena. I'm glad you're here. I think you will find that there are many here in situations like yours. Hope to see you around more often. Later gator.

Cath :)

12-18-2005, 08:56 PM
Hi Gwena, and Welcome to the Forum!!!! I take Paxil CR, and it does help with my Anxiety and Panic Attacks, my Anxiety was really bad before, and I was on Lexapro, and then I got taken off of that because it was not helping me any, so I got put on Paxil CR. I can say though that ever since I have been on Paxil CR, my Anxiety has seemed to decline, I mean it is still bad and all, but atleast not as bad as it was compared to before. I just got my dosage upped, so I will see how well this helps with my Anxiety and Panic Attacks.