View Full Version : Weird Uncomfortable Feeling

12-31-2014, 03:30 AM
Hi Guys, I don't know how to start this out, but I will say that I have been suffering from various types of anxiety symptoms/episodes all have come and gone.

Right now I am currently suffering from another weird symptom, burning feeling around the back of my whole body. As well as this uncomfortable, floaty feeling i get when just sitting down, and I suddenly start to feel a bit panicky when I am sitting. I know its my anxiety acting up if it's thoughts that I just can't put my finger on it :(

I know I will get through this, its just the waiting thats going to be tough!

Just need some company and assurance that what I am feeling is just going to go away after sometime.

12-31-2014, 10:46 AM
Soul, the mind is a really powerful thing. Think about breathing. You do it all the time and never think about it but as soon as you start thinking about it, it's like you can't breathe correctly. Your anxiety is latching on to these sensations which may have just been fleeting sensations that you never would have thought twice about if you weren't already so anxious. You are sitting down with the preconceived notion that you will experience this sensation, whether you are aware of it or not. You may think you just sat down like normal and it just happened, but did it really? Anxiety is insidious, lurking in your brain. You sit down and you start consciously or subconsciously "checking" to see if the feeling is there. You think you feel something, your heart rate increases. There is a symptom of anxiety known as derealization/depersonalization that makes you feel like you are in a bubble, that things around you are far away. I definitely have felt the "floaty" feeling and my ears will buzz I just feel detached. I really think it's just our mind's way of turning itself off for a while. Google it if you want more info, it is not harmful in any way. Def weird feeling at first but I look at it as a respite from the obsessive thoughts.

Once you start to accept that it is the anxiety you can let go of the fear of it. Anxiety starts in the mind and the mind controls the whole body, it is a powerful thing. When you feel this happening again, stop - tell yourself it is just anxiety, take some deep breaths and keep doing whatever it is you were sitting down to do. When you are done and you feel fine, remind yourself that you got through it just fine and you are ok. Remember this when you next experience it. Anxiety is ultimately just thoughts and thoughts CANNOT harm you. You seem to be halfway there in acknowledging that this is possibly just all in your head. It is easier said than done I know.

I used to be so afraid of every palpitation, twitch, ache and pain I had due to anxiety. One day I just had enough. I kept feeling a flutter in my "heart" and was driving myself to insanity thinking my heart would stop while I was taking a walk. I just got aggravated and just said "whatever, if my heart stops it stops". Funny enough after that the fear just went away. My anxiety is still an issue but I find the physical sensations no longer are scary to me.

12-31-2014, 08:51 PM
Soul, the mind is a really powerful thing. Think about breathing. You do it all the time and never think about it but as soon as you start thinking about it, it's like you can't breathe correctly. Your anxiety is latching on to these sensations which may have just been fleeting sensations that you never would have thought twice about if you weren't already so anxious. You are sitting down with the preconceived notion that you will experience this sensation, whether you are aware of it or not. You may think you just sat down like normal and it just happened, but did it really? Anxiety is insidious, lurking in your brain. You sit down and you start consciously or subconsciously "checking" to see if the feeling is there. You think you feel something, your heart rate increases. There is a symptom of anxiety known as derealization/depersonalization that makes you feel like you are in a bubble, that things around you are far away. I definitely have felt the "floaty" feeling and my ears will buzz I just feel detached. I really think it's just our mind's way of turning itself off for a while. Google it if you want more info, it is not harmful in any way. Def weird feeling at first but I look at it as a respite from the obsessive thoughts.

Once you start to accept that it is the anxiety you can let go of the fear of it. Anxiety starts in the mind and the mind controls the whole body, it is a powerful thing. When you feel this happening again, stop - tell yourself it is just anxiety, take some deep breaths and keep doing whatever it is you were sitting down to do. When you are done and you feel fine, remind yourself that you got through it just fine and you are ok. Remember this when you next experience it. Anxiety is ultimately just thoughts and thoughts CANNOT harm you. You seem to be halfway there in acknowledging that this is possibly just all in your head. It is easier said than done I know.

I used to be so afraid of every palpitation, twitch, ache and pain I had due to anxiety. One day I just had enough. I kept feeling a flutter in my "heart" and was driving myself to insanity thinking my heart would stop while I was taking a walk. I just got aggravated and just said "whatever, if my heart stops it stops". Funny enough after that the fear just went away. My anxiety is still an issue but I find the physical sensations no longer are scary to me.

Thanks for the help aml007. Yeah I try to always keep in mind that "this thing is just going to disappear eventually" :) It's just that it won't disappear right away? It would take days or weeks for the episode to end? I don't know, I can't seem to avoid the thoughts that I want it go away in just a snap! :(

01-01-2015, 01:56 AM
I completely understand how you are feeling! I experience the same burning sensation, mostly in the back of my head region, but it scares me so bad. When it happens, it is always out of no where and can last for an hour or so. The fear only makes my anxiety worsen but the feeling is so unusual to me and all I can think of is this can't be a panic attack or anxiety. I just had an EEG this morning so I am going to be really tense and stressed out until I get the results back. I hate waiting. I think I asked the nurse 50 times if the doctor would call me right away if anything came back abnormal. Once I get the results back and hopefully everything is normal, I will finally start to feel more in control of my feelings and the weird sensations that come with this awful illness. I am sorry you and so many others have to experience such a scary feeling. I would never wish this on my worst enemy.

01-01-2015, 02:01 AM
I started having my nightly "weird feelings" that always freak me out and make everything worse and I just joined the site so I immediately jumped on here to see if anyone else has experienced this and as soon as I read what you replied, I just wanted to cry. After so long of not being in control of your thoughts or body, its so comforting to read things like this and know you are stronger than the feelings and tricks your mind is playing on you. So thankful to have joined this site and to know I have somewhere to come when I am scared or feeling hopeless. I have learned that unless you have experienced anxiety/panic attacks, you truly do not understand how scary and exhausting it is.

01-01-2015, 01:22 PM
Soul it can vary from hours to days to weeks, sometimes months. This is not to scare you, just a fact. The good news is how long it lasts does depend on you. You have the control. True most episodes will just want eventually on their own. There's is no magic bullet or switch to turnoff. However by taking some control of the situation you can make it end more quickly. Start small. Change your routine. If you feel the thoughts when you sit, get up and walk around. Get some exercise, make an appointment with a Dr or counselor, anything. That is the first step to taking the power away from the anxiety.

01-01-2015, 01:27 PM
Lexi glad you can get some peace from this forum. I remember when I first started reading about the experiences other people are having with anxiety, it says a relief to know I really wasn't crazy. Keep on reading posts and posting yourself we are here for you!

01-02-2015, 05:32 AM
Thanks for the help aml007. Yeah I try to always keep in mind that "this thing is just going to disappear eventually" :) It's just that it won't disappear right away? It would take days or weeks for the episode to end? I don't know, I can't seem to avoid the thoughts that I want it go away in just a snap! :(

I totally know what you mean. Unfortunately it is not something that will go immediately, but it will go. What you are probably experiencing is the defence mechanism of your body, for example, some people get the flight or fight when they brain flags a situation that they see as dangerous, other people will get weird feelings when they feel they cannot escape the situation, for example an "unreal feeling". This is also a defence mechanism of the body, for example:

A tiger is attacking someone. The tiger is already on top of the person, but the person is not feeling any pain. He is feeling like all of this is not happening. This is because the person cannot escape at that time, so the body will provide him with an unreal feeling.

Everyone gets a similar reaction, either it is the heart beating fast and hyperventilating to enable you to run away or the unreal feeling when the panic attack is happening. The most important thing though is not to give in to it. I did and did not leave the house for years. Even though some places might feel better and safe, I can assure you that it is not a solution. I really do know what you are going through at the moment and that it is easy to give in. I also agree with soulgoodguy, once you stop being afraid of the fear itself, everything gets soooo much better :)

01-02-2015, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I try as much as possible to do the same things I do when I don't have my episodes (Going to my friends, riding public transportations). Because REALLY, I don't want this current anxiety disorder to have a big impact on my lifestyle.

Reading that other thread regarding anxiety symptoms makes me feel a bit relieved that other people are also experiencing what I am feeling.

As of now when I ride a car or any public transportation, that sudden on and off feeling of detachment/umcomfortable feeling/feels like my brain has floated up my mind I try my best to think of it as thoughts, and that I am experiencing this because its just another chapter in my anxiety disorder.

Is it healthy to always expect it to be gone, everytime I wake up? Or always double checking myself if its gone? or should I just let it be?

01-02-2015, 08:01 PM
Soul, why not expect the best case scenario - that you will wake up and it will be gone? There is no harm in thinking positive. The less you think about it the better. Just trust it is all in your head and that you are fine. Also this is a link I put on another post re the burning sensation, in case you need further affirmation it is anxiety related : http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/burning-skin

01-03-2015, 08:19 AM
So far went throught the whole day of January 3, 2014 with less on the burning situations and more on that awful feeling I feel on mind, like my mind is going to rise up a bit due to overflowing thoughts. But I just add that as a good day since I manage to get the day through. Will keep this thread updated the best I can.

I'll just keep tapping my magic shoes and repeat on my mind that they are just thoughts >_<