View Full Version : Working through an anxiety attack right now

12-30-2014, 07:27 PM
I had such a good couple weeks I really felt good even with the holidays. Then Sunday I started feeling the flutterings of anxiety over little trivial things but I didn't give in to it. No obsessive thoughts just a nervous shaky feeling. Then about an hour ago my heart rate just started increasing and panic started setting in. It doesn't really feel like a full on panic, I feel strangely detached and numb though my heart is pounding, head is buzzing. Starting to feel calmer now and so tired.

It is just different from my normal experience with anxiety. I had been exercising alot and eating really well and I feel that helped me curb my anxiety a few weeks ago. However once I had started feeling better I slacked off. Just these past couple days I have binged on so much junk. Haven't exercised at all for two weeks. I have barely gone outside since the weather has been so dreary. I know this is contributing to how I am feeling right now.

12-30-2014, 07:36 PM
It sounds you are well aware of what a panic attack is so you have learned to dismiss it as harmless, although a bit of fear creep in.

Early on, what you describe would go full attack on most out of fear of what is happening

Isn't it crazy how we deal with something so long, then we start feeling better than stop all the things that were keeping us well?

You are like most and are certainly not alone

The holidays are supposed to be about fun, family, eating and drinking too much

So shake it off starting on Thursday and get back to the things you do to feel well

You will be as good as new

12-30-2014, 09:07 PM
I just woke up feeling rather disoriented. Shortly after writing my original post I just crashed. It really felt more like a blood sugar drop. Normally anxiety gets me all keyed up and jittery I can't sleep at all.

I'm all for indulging during the holidays but I have been ridiculous, full on binging. Don't know why, I guess after so many weeks of having no appetite i took it to the other extreme.

12-31-2014, 02:48 AM
Not eating right and the lack of exercising can make you feel anxious especially with people who suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks. You need to be more careful in the future with your diet and daily activities. Going outside in the nature can relax you and bring a balance between the body and mind. If the weather is bad, you can do some relaxing activities inside, like playing an instrument, drawing, painting or even singing. Anything that can distract your mind, just be creative and use your imagination.

01-01-2015, 08:53 AM
Still feeling pretty bad. Woke up this morning with the doom and gloom feeling was hard to get myself out of bed being I didn't have work. Just felt like crying, curling up into a ball. In my original post I touched on the fact that the anxiety attack felt different than normal. It's like the anxiety is muffled under this veil of despondency. I guess what I'm trying to say is this feels more like depression than anxiety.

I have been suffering from anxiety attacks on and off for the last few months continuously now. It's the worst I've had for a couple years. Normally I have episodes of a few weeks followed by several months of relative calm. I do know many years ago when I suffered from very bad ongoing anxiety for a long period I oftentimes would go into a depression.

So I am not just imagining this due to my anxiety. I just know it feels different. I'm not freaking out about it or anything just it is so long since I've experienced it so bad. The last time I was depressed must be over 5 years ago.

What a great start to the new year huh? Also it is also my birthday today. My mom is cooking lunch today gonna go to her house in a while. When I feel anxious being around others makes me feel better cause it distracting from my thoughts. When I feel depressed it makes it worse cause I just feel like I am detached from everyone. Oh well guess I'll see how it goes.