View Full Version : The Linden Method First Pillar
12-30-2014, 07:23 PM
I found this in my files for when I had debilitating anxiety. I don't know if I recommend this program or not, but it was one of the things I used. He had 9 pillars and this is the first one and I thought it might be relevant for many of you. My philosophy is get a full checkup so you can rule out anything first, then once you know it's just anxiety, go full speed ahead in healing your anxiety. I did see various practitioners and took various supplements, but I get his underlying point here. I think you will too. The point is breaking the cycle of needing reassurance.
Here is Charles Linden First Pillar:
Ok this sound simplistic but it is very, very important. We are trying to do two
things here; firstly prove to your conscious mind that you don’t need the
reassurance of a doctor in order to be well again, you MUST break this cycle as
it perpetuates your condition by constantly reminding your subconscious mind
that reassurance is needed. Secondly, you need to ‘reprogramme’ your mind to
instinctually (subconsciously) not need reassurance.
The ONLY way to do this is to ‘practice’ the new habit. The more your
consciously prevent yourself from seeking reassurance from doctors or anyone
else that you approach, the less you will need to do so. Very soon the neural
pathways in the brain that create the old, anxious and harmful habits will be
obsolete and the new habits will take over.
Think back for a moment, how often have you been to see a doctor since you
developed your condition? Probably quite a few times. Chances are that apart
from giving you medication or passing you on to someone else such as a
psychologist or psychiatrist, all the doctor did was reassure you that you are
not ‘ill’ (some doctors don’t even do that!). OK so if that is all you are going to
get from a doctor…why go? I mean, logically now, haven’t you had enough
reassurance? You could go to the doctor a million times and get the same
treatment every time…what’s the point?
You might ask yourself how on earth you can do this without becoming more
scared. Diversion! Every time you think a negative thought or experience a
new symptom, disempower it; do not allow the thought or sensation to etch
new, or reinforce old habitual behaviour. The moment you feel anxious or
unwell, do something else. Put loud music on, sing along with it, telephone
someone (but don’t mention your anxiety). Do this until the symptoms subside
but DO NOT contact anyone for reassurance.
12-30-2014, 07:39 PM
Years ago I worked the Linden Method a bit
Took some good things from it
Posting these is a great idea
12-30-2014, 07:50 PM
Years ago I worked the Linden Method a bit
Took some good things from it
Posting these is a great idea
Yeah he is good for a while, but I got bored. I stick with mindfulness meditation which does not bore me;))
12-30-2014, 08:07 PM
The point was the content of what was written about the obsession of seeing doctors and going to the ER for a panic attack.
12-30-2014, 08:11 PM
Yeah I know, I like the distraction method, I use it all the time
12-30-2014, 08:27 PM
Yeah I know, I like the distraction method, I use it all the time
That wasn't the point either.
12-30-2014, 09:05 PM
LOL Dahila - what can you do hey :)
12-31-2014, 03:20 AM
actually I had not made any point:)) I have the book and his visualizations and I do not like someone who gives advice to people not to go to doctors...........simply idiot
12-31-2014, 02:14 PM
actually I had not made any point:)) I have the book and his visualizations and I do not like someone who gives advice to people not to go to doctors...........simply idiot
Please can you just not post on my threads anymore? You are not intelligent enough to understand the point here or what Charles Linden is saying. Go ruin somebody else's thread. Nobody asked for your dumb opinion. You simply do not get it!
12-31-2014, 02:41 PM
Please can you just not post on my threads anymore? You are not intelligent enough to understand the point here or what Charles Linden is saying. Go ruin somebody else's thread. Nobody asked for your dumb opinion. You simply do not get it!
Terrible behaviour. You should know better. The first sentence would have been aggressive enough, and handled with grace, kindness, dignity.
12-31-2014, 02:59 PM
I need to answer first; the planet belongs to smart ones like Panic cured hehehe and dumb ones like I am. We are on public forum, so you have no say in it. I'll post as much as I want and when I want. You obviously need some spanking young no so polite man.
Linden method is a copy of midfulness quided meditation. I would say he is taking a good luck at Jon Kabat Zinn.
Panic cured another 30 years on this planet and you may something to say...........
12-31-2014, 04:03 PM
I need to answer first; the planet belongs to smart ones like Panic cured hehehe and dumb ones like I am. We are on public forum, so you have no say in it. I'll post as much as I want and when I want. You obviously need some spanking young no so polite man.
Linden method is a copy of midfulness quided meditation. I would say he is taking a good luck at Jon Kabat Zinn.
Panic cured another 30 years on this planet and you may something to say...........
The point was not about the Linden Method or your dumb opinion you idiot! The point was it was a good short write up about breaking the habit of needing reassurance! Do you get it now? About breaking the habit of constantly needing reassurance. Still don;t get it? You should get literate and have your brain functioning at least half capacity before you post on public forums. I assume you still do not understand the post. I have 5000 times more things to say than you ever will! Unbelievable!
12-31-2014, 04:07 PM
Terrible behaviour. You should know better. The first sentence would have been aggressive enough, and handled with grace, kindness, dignity.
Dahila has a history of following me around the forum destroying various posts because she can't comprehend basic English and cuts off my ability to actually try and help some people here. I also don't need your stupid bold face underlining every other sentence long drawn out diatribes either. Nor do I need you to tell me if I am out of line. Who the hell are you? Look at how stupid she didn't get the point of this post. Fuck her.
12-31-2014, 05:09 PM
You can not fuck her or even close. Dahila's language is much better than your Polish. You are not cool, man. You have problem to control your emotion. I read your posts and they are interesting a lot of good points. Dahila could not be able to cut your off if you did not do it to yourself. Try to work on your emotions, then you will help a lot of people. No cool, no cool at all. I do not recall insulting you?
12-31-2014, 05:16 PM
You can not fuck her or even close. Dahila's language is much better than your Polish. You are not cool, man. You have problem to control your emotion. I read your posts and they are interesting a lot of good points. Dahila could not be able to cut your off if you did not do it to yourself. Try to work on your emotions, then you will help a lot of people. No cool, no cool at all. I do not recall insulting you?
I am going to try and delete it and repost it for those who can comprehend basic English. Go pick someone else or better yet, stay on topic and don;t annoy anyone.
12-31-2014, 05:23 PM
Well doesn't look like I could delete it. Another thread lost to Dahlia and others who rather argue than actually understand what the post was actually about. Funny you still don't get it as about breaking the cycle of reassurance. You sure showed them!
01-01-2015, 09:01 AM
you could benefit from it, and maybe control your anger better (
01-01-2015, 01:28 PM
PanicCured -
I stand corrected and agree with your spin on the thread high jacking.
I have wronged you buddy - Your style of writing and soldering on is in some way like mine. At least the way you stand ... and perhaps other earas as well. I could probably learn a thing or two from you.
To many fuckers going from thread to thread chasing people about. I see it man. I kind of kept quiet because of some bias ... but yea ... it's been going on. I don't know what you did to piss others off, but yep ...
Too many cunts in here walking around hitting out on others they think lessor than them.
So regardless of my distaste and frustration right now ... I do wish you well and hope others leave you the fuck alone!
You do what you do best man! Good luck with it.
As for the others - take your niceties and intellectual snobbery and go fuck yourselves!
It might be a public forum - but one can own their space by shoving others out the fucking door - and soldiering on ... although I get what you mean about a clean thread being messed up by those who chase and admonish as they do.
again ... good luck and keep making your posts!
01-01-2015, 03:25 PM
I am srry Dahila - I have attempted to explain myself better in my thread. I hope we can remain friends.
01-02-2015, 12:54 AM
PanicCured -
I stand corrected and agree with your spin on the thread high jacking.
I have wronged you buddy - Your style of writing and soldering on is in some way like mine. At least the way you stand ... and perhaps other earas as well. I could probably learn a thing or two from you.
To many fuckers going from thread to thread chasing people about. I see it man. I kind of kept quiet because of some bias ... but yea ... it's been going on. I don't know what you did to piss others off, but yep ...
Too many cunts in here walking around hitting out on others they think lessor than them.
So regardless of my distaste and frustration right now ... I do wish you well and hope others leave you the fuck alone!
You do what you do best man! Good luck with it.
As for the others - take your niceties and intellectual snobbery and go fuck yourselves!
It might be a public forum - but one can own their space by shoving others out the fucking door - and soldiering on ... although I get what you mean about a clean thread being messed up by those who chase and admonish as they do.
again ... good luck and keep making your posts!
You're funny! It's all good, bro! Don't worry. I only post on this forum with one goal in mind, to help guide people towards becoming anxiety free. I am not here to socialize, make friends or be part of the in crowd. My posts are very focused on a particular target subject, always with the motivation that someone may read what I wrote, and it will help them further in their healing. Sometimes I just want to get people to even know there is a healing path there at all. This thread, you can see is an example of a really good point I was trying to make, quoting Charles Linden, and its been hijacked completely bringing us off the point, instead of discussing a very important thing about constantly needing reassurance of doctors. Now that is something worth discussing.
You will find some people come here to find answers and to get help so they can get better, and others come here as a way to have a pity party, using it as a community. Like I have anxiety so do you, we have something in common, let's hang out. Which one of these do you think actually gets rid of their anxiety?
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