View Full Version : Looks like I'm going to have to quit my job..

12-30-2014, 02:20 PM
Welp, It's been up and down and back and forth for nearly 5 or 6 weeks now. I felt like I had exhausted all of my "recovery time" and decided I'd try getting back to work yesterday. I knew I still had a long way to go with my anxiety, as far as treatments and help are concerned, but I felt like maybe getting back to work could pose as a nice distraction instead of the overwhelming thing I was afraid it was going to be. I should have listened to my instincts though, as it turns out I wasn't ready.

I got to work yesterday and immediately felt sweaty and nauseous on the way there. I almost pulled the car over and turned around back home, but I told myself to fight through it, don't give up just yet. Upon arriving to work, I could tell my heart was racing but I wasn't in full-blown panic just yet. 2 hours later, I really WAS in full-blown panic. I took my rescue sedative and stayed in the break room for a few minutes till I calmed down. i went about the day, ate some lunch, then a couple hours later into the afternoon I had yet another full blown attack, and guess what happened next? I ended up in the ER. Again.

My heart rate had climbed to 164 BPM and my sedative wasn't bringing it down this time. My father stayed with me at the hospital and luckily for me, the doctor and staff were amazing and really helped me through it. Gave me 1 mg of Ativan and a nurse talked me through yet another panic attack and help me with deep breathing. The ativan worked wonders and finally calmed me down. I got a good night's sleep last night thanks to the medicine, but woke up this morning feeling somewhat traumatized from the events of yesterday. My hands and feet have sweated all day long.

My place of work called to check on me today but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I don't know what to tell them. My boss has been so patient with me through all of this but clearly I am just not ready to go back... and I have to let him know that.

Has anyone else had to quit their job or been let go of because of anxiety? I don't know what to do from here. My main focus has to be on getting better though, no matter what the cost to my personal life.

12-30-2014, 03:12 PM
Has anyone else had to quit their job or been let go of because of anxiety? I don't know what to do from here. My main focus has to be on getting better though, no matter what the cost to my personal life.

Yes. Well it didn't help that my boss was a real slave-driver and bully, but I had to quit because I just couldn't cope. I think if you can survive financially by other means you should focus on getting better. A heart rate of 164bpm is a pretty full-on panic attack.

All the best to you,
Gypsy :)

12-30-2014, 03:12 PM
One rule that anyone trying to overcome anxiety should follow is NEVER bend your life to fit your anxiety. You must alter your anxiety to fit your life! Please do not quit your job. Act as if you are normal and push through it. Panic attacks are bullshit, so you want to quit your job over bullshit? You do not need a doctor or hospital to treat a panic attack, it is only adrenaline running through you. In about 2 hours my heart rate will also skyrocket as I workout. You are being bluffed. It is just a bluff. Out bluff the bluff. If you modify your life to suit your anxiety, you will dig the hole deeper. Ativan works on your brain not your heart. Benzos such as Klonopin increase GABA in your brain. They have nothing to do with your heart or physical well being. You are being bluffed.

You may think this is so simple and unscientific that it couldn't possible work, but please trust me, this will probably work if you do it right. You are being led by chemicals in your body tricking you. Please do this panic attack quick guide exactly as I wrote it. Just give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

You can PM me anytime.

12-30-2014, 03:21 PM
One rule that anyone trying to overcome anxiety should follow is NEVER bend your life to fit your anxiety. You must alter your anxiety to fit your life! Please do not quit your job. Act as if you are normal and push through it. Panic attacks are bullshit, so you want to quit your job over bullshit? You do not need a doctor or hospital to treat a panic attack, it is only adrenaline running through you. In about 2 hours my heart rate will also skyrocket as I workout. You are being bluffed. It is just a bluff. Out bluff the bluff. If you modify your life to suit your anxiety, you will dig the hole deeper. Ativan works on your brain not your heart. Benzos such as Klonopin increase GABA in your brain. They have nothing to do with your heart or physical well being. You are being bluffed.

You may think this is so simple and unscientific that it couldn't possible work, but please trust me, this will probably work if you do it right. You are being led by chemicals in your body tricking you. Please do this panic attack quick guide exactly as I wrote it. Just give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

You can PM me anytime.

I agree with this

The more you do to hide from anxiety, the deeper hold it gets

Panic attacks are harmless. You get them because you are afraid

Once you stop fearing the attacks, they stop being able to cause you any pain

12-30-2014, 07:18 PM
I agree with this

The more you do to hide from anxiety, the deeper hold it gets

Panic attacks are harmless. You get them because you are afraid

Once you stop fearing the attacks, they stop being able to cause you any pain

I dug this up from when I had anxiety real bad. It was a program called the Linden Method. Maybe I will post this on another thread because it is so relevant. He had 9 pillars to his program and this is #1. I think it relates to you:


Ok this sound simplistic but it is very, very important. We are trying to do two
things here; firstly prove to your conscious mind that you don’t need the
reassurance of a doctor in order to be well again, you MUST break this cycle as
it perpetuates your condition by constantly reminding your subconscious mind
that reassurance is needed. Secondly, you need to ‘reprogramme’ your mind to
instinctually (subconsciously) not need reassurance.

The ONLY way to do this is to ‘practice’ the new habit. The more your
consciously prevent yourself from seeking reassurance from doctors or anyone
else that you approach, the less you will need to do so. Very soon the neural
pathways in the brain that create the old, anxious and harmful habits will be
obsolete and the new habits will take over.

Think back for a moment, how often have you been to see a doctor since you
developed your condition? Probably quite a few times. Chances are that apart
from giving you medication or passing you on to someone else such as a
psychologist or psychiatrist, all the doctor did was reassure you that you are
not ‘ill’ (some doctors don’t even do that!). OK so if that is all you are going to
get from a doctor…why go? I mean, logically now, haven’t you had enough
reassurance? You could go to the doctor a million times and get the same
treatment every time…what’s the point?


You might ask yourself how on earth you can do this without becoming more
scared. Diversion! Every time you think a negative thought or experience a
new symptom, disempower it; do not allow the thought or sensation to etch
new, or reinforce old habitual behaviour. The moment you feel anxious or
unwell, do something else. Put loud music on, sing along with it, telephone
someone (but don’t mention your anxiety). Do this until the symptoms subside
but DO NOT contact anyone for reassurance.

Also watch the Eastern Essentials video here: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/