View Full Version : new to this..

12-28-2014, 10:27 AM
Hello everyone. I have only recently started to suffer with anxiety, maybe for about a month or two. Its having a really big impact on my life and I have no idea how to cope with it. I Think I mainly have health anxiety, every time I get a pain I think its something more! I get panicked and feel like I can't breath and need to go to a quiet room to calm down. It happens 2 - 3 times a day! Does anybody have any advice on how to manage this? I'm booking to go to the doctors next week. I want to do it naturally as I'm not keen on taking pills!

Chelsea Doak
12-28-2014, 05:08 PM
This is my everyday life! I was diagnosed as a hypochondriac with generalized anxiety disorder. It's seriously the worst. I have to gone to the ER countless times. My doctor knows me like the back of his hand. But it's been SO much better lately. I'm able to talk myself out of irrational thoughts and ideas.

I've stopped googling. And you should too. Seriously, it helps.

Baths help too, with some Epsom salt.

This forum help tremendously because I feel like I'm not alone in feeling the way that I do.

Breathing deeply, like you do.

I try to lay down with a calm tv show playing so I can distract my mind off of what kind of "pain" that I'm feeling at that moment.

And most importantly, talk about it. Don't keep it bottled up inside cause then your just gunna start to feel more crazy!

12-29-2014, 05:59 AM
Hello everyone. I have only recently started to suffer with anxiety, maybe for about a month or two. Its having a really big impact on my life and I have no idea how to cope with it. I Think I mainly have health anxiety, every time I get a pain I think its something more! I get panicked and feel like I can't breath and need to go to a quiet room to calm down. It happens 2 - 3 times a day! Does anybody have any advice on how to manage this? I'm booking to go to the doctors next week. I want to do it naturally as I'm not keen on taking pills!

Welcome aboard. Great that you are looking for help after only 3 months

You can get this under control pretty quickly since it is so new to you.

Just understanding that you have an anxiety issue whilst experiencing those symptoms is a great start

The thoughts still scare you but you realize it isn't going to harm you. It is quite uncomfortable though

You will be able to stop making the connection between your thoughts and what you fear MAY be happening and just write it off as a symptom of your anxiety

Take the fear away and anxiety has no way to cause you any pain

It just eventually stops all together

12-29-2014, 08:19 AM
Hello everyone. I have only recently started to suffer with anxiety, maybe for about a month or two. Its having a really big impact on my life and I have no idea how to cope with it. I Think I mainly have health anxiety, every time I get a pain I think its something more! I get panicked and feel like I can't breath and need to go to a quiet room to calm down. It happens 2 - 3 times a day! Does anybody have any advice on how to manage this? I'm booking to go to the doctors next week. I want to do it naturally as I'm not keen on taking pills!

Im suffering the same way as you. I get pains a lot and think I might have cancer Dx im glad im not the only one who has health anxiety