View Full Version : I haven't cried yet....

12-28-2014, 07:53 AM
Even with what I'm feeling the last 8 weeks, I only cried in the beginning. Since then I haven't cried.
I don't know why. It is just fear and maybe I'm not crying b/c the immediate danger is gone?
In 2008, I cried every day, all day. I cried more in that year than my entire life combined. I think
crying would only make me feel worse. Crying will do no good. If I feel the need to cry, I will.

I feel very very selfish for thinking some of the things I think of .... It doesn't make sense that I
would go there.

What is my life's mission?

01-03-2015, 07:25 PM
Wow, no replies to this... :(
I was thinking about this again today and realizing that I still haven't cried at all.
and I don't care about much of anything until I feel safe again.
I'm not depressed. Just feel like the whole world looks weird.
Can anyone else relate?

01-03-2015, 07:31 PM
Wow, no replies to this... :(
I was thinking about this again today and realizing that I still haven't cried at all.
and I don't care about much of anything until I feel safe again.
I'm not depressed. Just feel like the whole world looks weird.
Can anyone else relate?

Thanks for bumping this. I hadn't seen it.

Are you on new meds? Lots of people have similar experiences when taking a SSRI

01-03-2015, 07:35 PM
No, not on new meds. Just had a "life event" change or attempt at changing it which brought back some of my original problems from 2008.

01-03-2015, 07:38 PM
Perhaps you haven't cried because this isn't new anymore

Maybe instead of feeling sadness, you could feel a sense of strength and power

And put this anxiety garbage behind you?

Yeah. I'm going with that!

01-03-2015, 07:45 PM
That would be nice!! I would love that.

Actually I'm going in the opposite direction. I just want a solution and feel selfish for having gone there as fast as I have b/c I know better. That solution is not the answer.

01-03-2015, 10:10 PM
I havent cried since i was hospitalize... it feels like my emotions kinda stop or something like that.. then, have this feeling i dont want to stress myself out... or maybe i dont want to cry because i'm afraid that it would cause another panic attack...
But the another night, i cant help crying , because i have a thought they dont understand how i felt... i was talking to my sister through chat... not knowing my tears was already falling.. after that, it was quite a relief...