View Full Version : Avoiding Leaving My House this Week :

12-27-2014, 12:55 PM
This week with all the holidays and so many shoppers who were at the stores, I just chose to stay home and complete online job apps. You know they say you should Never give out your SS # on the net for jobs , but some apps will Not be submitted until ALL the red asteric info is completed. So, Trust in Who?

Our government certainly doesn't have any consistent laws protecting the desperate job seeker from divulging his most personal ID info, and there is no regulation for stopping these big companies from requiring your SS#. In theory they tell you that you don't have to, but you wont be chosen as an applicant w/o a Submitted online application. Perhaps the Homeless reserve the right to plea the 5th and Not give out their SS# when applying for jobs, but some persons of financial unrest feel impending bills adding up if they don't keep applying until they get a job and are able to save some money for a, "Rainy day in Georgia."

I work hard, and have a need to, and am trying to increase my output to feel satisfied in life, and financially stable w/o charity from anyone else. I would rather work myself into a state of anorexia than take someone else's charity. I love the labor of keeping busy and feeling productive. I have a passion for work. It has saved my life several times. Work gives my life meaning. Thatz ALL.

I keep getting these annoying credit phone calls for lowering my credit cards interest rate. I don't have any credit cards that are in my name, so one day I asked the person what card specifically are they calling me about, and then he said oh no its just whatever card has the highest rate that you wish to decrease. Then I told him that I don't know why they call I am not aware of any card in my name w/ a high credit annual % rate. When I wanted more info so I could investigate and protect my ID, the guy hung up on me! This is what happens when we apply for jobs and the app requires our SS#!!!!!

If the government would make it illegal they would submit my info w/o the SS#, but currently our government isn't policing this regulation well enough. And it's like a catch 22 situation. I want a 2nd job, but when I apply I must give up personal info to some Big Companies, in order to Submit my application.

I got feedback from yesterdays submission and it was The real thing , now just waiting for an invitation for a job interview. See, if a job pays me, I will leave the house, and drive to work. but during my holiday break, I feel frozen and like I am super anxious to go into crowded stores.

I am also afraid of picking up massive germs from all the shopping crowds. I wish they fumigated nightly the stores w/ Lysol via the air vents to ensure that the air was clean and free of germs when the customer enter the store each morning. This is not a protocol yet in retail, and the air conditioning systems do not have that feature. But if air wick can have a smelly device for 1 thing then they should be able to include in the air cond system a way to diffuse Disinfectant vapors each night in the store so every day was a clean start for employees as well as customers too.

Anyhow, so I am currently not doing any shopping for a few days and then will go when I need my juice at the store, or chicken, or whatever I really need from the store. I think my Agoraphobia is just borderline, or in the grey area of Not Full Fledged Agoraphobia, but uncomfortable enough to ruin my life and dictate what type of jobs I can even allow myself to accept based on Not having to travel to far, or not having to travel as an employee.

I was trained in 1 subject matter, but now days they want an employee to be a tour guide as well as a record keeper, as well as a social worker, and a marketing expert. I don't want to do all those things. I want to use my major but cant find a job that's entry level with the degree I earned and the experience I gained during school and even after graduation.

No that's not enough, 3 yrs of grad school and I cant even get a referral job in the big city, working from a lovely small cubicle , using a computer and telephone. but these companies for this type of job interviewed me for 1 position that they did not require a license for, had me come in 4 times in a row, only to then send a rejection letter after 4 times trudging through the city, after a long commute on BART, and having to fast just to fit into a decent interview suit for the entire 2 month period that my noodle was being yanked.

There is NO excuse for making a person have to go through an interrogative person to person interview 4 x. This just isn't fair, and it isn't right. Its another area that corporations are getting away with taking advantage of good people. Anyhow, so I have gotten worse over the years since my bad experiences with running around to be interviewed only to be rejected as "Undesirable Human Being-Applicant."

I feel uglier, fatter, and more desperate as I grow older every day. Now that I really need a 2nd job and must apply online it just takes something out of me. I want to be employed w/ a 2nd job or receive a nice pay raise at my current job as substitute teacher. I need to put money away in my savings acct for the future.

I cant do that on the budget I currently have w/ my 1 job. I have the time to work, and keep on looking and applying, all when I could be working and earning extra income. I feel useless doing this, if not humiliated in having to even look for a 2nd job. It takes a lot of energy for me to even go on job interviews. But what else am I supposed to do?