View Full Version : I feel helpless

12-27-2014, 07:10 AM
Okay I literally just signed up for this because I have no one who understands what is going on in my brain. Keep in mind I have no idea what I may or may not have.

Okay so heres why I feel helpless. I constantly worry about the future as in war, poverty, etc.

All the time I think of these types of things and worry myself into thinking I'm crazy. My mom constantly tells me why do I even think like this and makes me feel bad for worrying.
My mind is constantly consumed with what will be of Earth or the US in 20 years and such and to make matters worse I literally look up statistics and opinions on what is going to happen and panic myself. I know I may seem like a lazy loser who has nothing else to do, but I can't help it. I don't know how to stop thinking about it. Because believe me I want to be able to be like my other family members and be happy and excited about the future, but I can't. Its strange though every time I worry about stuff like this I look to my mom for reassurance and sometimes ask her 20 times if its going to be okay.

Even posting this makes me feel anxious and with that sorry if I offend anyone for whatever reasons!

12-27-2014, 07:51 AM
I completely understand. Although my concerns aren't as deep as yours, I've gotten to the point where I don't want to watch the news and if I do then I get this overall anxious feeling. I used to LOVE going out and doing things. Now, I'm always worried about what could happen. I hate this feeling. I'm seeing a therapist and that helps ALOT.

12-27-2014, 08:45 AM
Thank you! I'll try to see if my mom will let me. My mom thinks that if I see a doctor that they'll force me back into regular school instead of online public school though XC

12-28-2014, 08:10 AM
The "what-if's" will drive us crazy. I do this a lot too. I had done it a lot in the past, growing up. When I'm highly anxious, as I feel I am now, I cannot watch the news at all. I don't even want to hear any negative things. I try to only absorb good things, positive things, peaceful pictures, etc. It is hard to stop worrying about the things you are worrying about. Some would call it an obsession or GAD. Have you talked to a doctor? They may try talk therapy or medication for you if they feel you need it. I don't want to sound like I'm big on medication b/c I'm not unless one actually needs it. It is always worth a try. I do tend to take the smallest dose possible that will help me. Hope you feel better soon. This is consuming you and you need to somehow break the cycle. I wish you the best and send you peace and love. Take care. Tranquil

12-28-2014, 08:34 AM
One thing I've realized (over many years...) is that the news only gives you the minority of what life is about. Not everybody is bad (in fact, just the opposite...nearly everybody is good). So it is very easy to worry about what you see in the news.

Have you tried mindfulness meditation, to see if that helps keep your attention in the present moment?