View Full Version : Talking about things makes me feel better...

07-23-2008, 12:40 AM
This may seem strange, but if anyone would like to talk on instant messenger, I would love that. I have anxiety and I am a hypochondriac. For the last week I feel like I am going to go crazy, or die from some kind of disease that I more than likely don't have. It affects my sleep, my mood, and even the way I eat and go to the bathroom.

Please if you want to talk, or talking makes you feel better too, add me to msn or yahoo. Both screen names are Jeannie.Ranee

Thank you so much!

07-25-2008, 01:23 AM
Hi Jeannie, I to suffer from anxiety and its taking over my life. My name is Christy, and it all started 5 years ago when I lost my father to lung cancer.
Watching him go threw what he did and watching take his last breath has really screwed me up. I feel like I am going to get lung cancer, I use to smoke but I stoped over a year ago. If I even hear of some one dieing, it makes me scared and then I think I am going to get what they had. I am so scared of dieing that its driving me crazy.
Its like thats all my mind thinks about and it feels so real like its going to happen to me now and there will be nothing I can do about it. I cry and cry and no one understands how I feel. There like Oh our fine stop worrying about it. Its like trust me if I could get it out of my head I would. I am so tired of living like this I have been on meds but I am not getting any where with the meds.
I just cant believe how anxiety can make our feeling so real that we think something is going to happen to us.
Well you can add me to your msn if your want I could always need some one to talk to.

07-25-2008, 08:25 AM
Yes I will add you to MSN and I will be here for you to talk to whenever you need me to be. It is hard to find people that understand how we feel. My mom gets so frustrated with me and she constantly tells me I am fine. But like you said.. if it was only that easy to get it out of your head, it would have already been gone!

My mom was married two times before and her first husband had a stroke, a week later had a brain aneurysm bust in his head, two brain surgeries and he was in a vegetative state until he died years later. Her second husband got really sick all of a sudden and waited about a week to go to the doctor. They put him in the hospital over night to watch him, and the next morning his heart stopped. He had internal bleeding and they didn't catch it. So I am terrified when my stomach hurts, or my head hurts. I think about what they went through and I can't help but think that the same thing is going on with me. So I know EXACTLY how you feel!

I don't usually go through this a lot. Maybe about once a year it gets pretty bad. But it has been bugging me for a few weeks now.. and I think it helps to talk to people. So hopefully I catch you on MSN soon! Take care love!

08-07-2008, 08:37 AM
This may seem strange, but if anyone would like to talk on instant messenger, I would love that. I have anxiety and I am a hypochondriac. For the last week I feel like I am going to go crazy, or die from some kind of disease that I more than likely don't have. It affects my sleep, my mood, and even the way I eat and go to the bathroom.

Please if you want to talk, or talking makes you feel better too, add me to msn or yahoo. Both screen names are Jeannie.Ranee

Thank you so much!

Would love to talk about it. Makes me feel better too. Add me on AIM. I'm xabishaix.

08-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Yep, talking about it always makes me feel better also. If I have severe anxiety one moment or on the brink of a panic attack, talking about it with someone takes the anxiety down a whole bunch. Even to the point where I feel no anxiety at all! Thank God for this natural form of Xanax called "Conversations."

Hang in there!!
-James (AOL Instant Message Me!!!) :)