View Full Version : Pregnant & Panic

12-26-2014, 02:00 PM
Sitting here letting my thoughts get the best of me. How did you moms get through pregnancy?? I'm scared to death. I think the biggest thing that gives me anxiety is thinking About labor. I just keep thinking "what if?" What if I can't handle labor & I panic. What if when I get big & pregnant, it freaks me out & I panic? I probably sound crazy but I'm just worried about panicking.. Ughhhhhhh

12-26-2014, 02:24 PM
The following is to be done during term, daily and before bed. You are welcoming her into this life, preparing the way, psychologically, showing the way, in love and honor.

Sitting here letting my thoughts get the best of me. How did you moms get through pregnancy?? I'm scared to death. I think the biggest thing that gives me anxiety is thinking About labor. I just keep thinking "what if?" What if I can't handle labor & I panic. What if when I get big & pregnant, it freaks me out & I panic? I probably sound crazy but I'm just worried about panicking.. Ughhhhhhh

In the following I will use 'her' since the voice is female.

In nightime dreaming, in day dreaming, in thoughts, in imaginings..Talk with the baby yet to be born.

Introduce yourself, who are you? What type of mom will you be. What will you do together, share..What will you teach her about life, joy? Take walks, sit by rivers flowing with life..

Stroll past flowers, plant some seedlings together and celebrate new life, watch them as they grow into beautiful, colorful expressions of love.

Who is this soul that is coming through you? Ask. And listen. Read to her. Draw together, swim, float. Share your visions of mountains, skies. Talk of holidays and how you share gifts.

It is an especially difficult time for a fetus, as the incoming personality will need (thoughts of) comfort, love, compassion, hugs, togetherness, closeness, expression, assurance, safety..ever so delicate is her fledgling belief system even before physical birth, so take note of your thinking, your feelings. The telepathic messages you continually send. She is in your mind.

Things are never as they seem, but much deeper than you can ever imagine.

Do as I say here throughout pregnancy. When you feel, when you think, your body sings, and this is how you communicate. The tone is in the bones, and she can read you, feel you, as she gathers materials from your body to build her own. Take care of yourself.

Will you show her fear and panic as a base?

Now, you are young, and it matters not that you understand the motive here, however it is advised you continue with these exercises throughout term, and you will one day see the gift it returns to you.

Nevermind showing her you are afraid of her.. That is not the healthy message.

It has been given.

12-26-2014, 03:31 PM
I hope you saw my reply in your inbox as it should have been delivered to your mailbox. I found it a bit too personal and revealing for me to leave on the site so deleted it. Hope it gave you some comfort. Congratulations again.

12-26-2014, 04:38 PM
Wow, thank you so much for that. It was an extremely powerful message.. One thing I'm afraid of is my baby getting my panic & worry.. I want to also avoid that completely.. Thank you again. I needed that.

12-26-2014, 04:41 PM
Tranquil, I do not have a message from you. Can you try again please?

12-26-2014, 09:29 PM
Sitting here letting my thoughts get the best of me. How did you moms get through pregnancy?? I'm scared to death. I think the biggest thing that gives me anxiety is thinking About labor. I just keep thinking "what if?" What if I can't handle labor & I panic. What if when I get big & pregnant, it freaks me out & I panic? I probably sound crazy but I'm just worried about panicking.. Ughhhhhhh

Everyone panics a bit during labour :) The doctors, nurses and midwives are very experienced though because it's not exactly a new or unusual thing. It's also something you can never really plan because everyone's labour is very different. So try not to worry and know that you will be looked after, whatever happens.

All the best,
Gypsy x