View Full Version : Progress and problems

12-24-2014, 07:37 AM
I posted on here about week or so ago about a major anxiety attack I had recently had, I got some great advice from I'm-Suffering. The anxiety attack I felt lurking just under the surface has finally left and I am reaffirming my worthiness multiple times a day...this has helped a great deal in unlearning some of my beliefs. But for some reason I am experiencing extreme nervousness doing very minor task...I was shaking all over when I finally fixed supper last night..no reason. This morning I was getting ready for Christmas office party(snack foods) and I was completely shaking all over while putting finger sandwiches on a tray. Not sure whats up, its like my nerves are shot.. Also on a plus side I drank the last bottle of wine in my house...no more will be bought for quite sometime...I think I was starting to rely on it for comfort.

12-24-2014, 07:48 AM
Hello gadguy,
Since my anxiety restarted in early November, I have a lot of shaking. It comes on at times that don't make sense to me. The only thing I can say is that it goes away on it's own. Yes it comes back however, I know it will be gone once again. Try to accept it and work with it knowing that it will pass. When it returns, welcome it... say "oh hello there" then know that it will release itself on you once again. I hope that this helps. I know it may sound simple but I think acceptance of some of our symptoms will help us a little. I read a book a very long time ago by Dr. Clare Weekes, Hope and Help For Your Nerves and she talks about floating through your symptoms. I always tell myself that it could be worse and in my case, it could be b/c I've had INTENSE symptoms in the past. Again I hope this helps. I'm glad you have decided to stay away from the wine. Good luck and I hope the rest of today goes well for you.... Take care.