View Full Version : self-harm

12-23-2014, 04:04 PM
I have anxiety attacks... They developed after watching my auntie die. Within 2 years my uncle, my cousin and my dog have died which made a massive impact to my mental health. My grampy does not have long left to live... Maybe just a few days. We think hes trying to hold on till Xmas. I used to sleep over at my grans incase anything happened to my gramp in the night. Now I can't because my anxiety attacks have got worse. I want so much to be there with him, and I feel useless. I can't stop the horrible thoughts in my head so I did a stupid thing and self-harmed. The pain was a distraction from the horrible thoughts and panic attacks. It's the first time I've ever done that. I'm scared that I'll do it again. I don't know what to do...

12-23-2014, 05:44 PM
Sorry to hear of your losses. You must face the reality of it however. Spend time with grandpa. Share stories, and just be there for him for his final days. That's ultimately what will give you a peace of mind as well. Accepting the situation for what it is. Let him know what he means to you. That belief will never fade, as that is your memory of him. Stay strong, loss is tough to handle and we all have a grieving process. Calm your mind with the thoughts and just spend time together.

Life is love. Love and b loved back. Love the memories you have and those you'll create in the future. Don't look in the dark and see shadows. Think of all the beautiful things that aren't currently illuminated. Take care