View Full Version : wdyt? missed dose or something else?

12-23-2014, 02:48 PM
I take 20 mg lexapro for GAD and panic disorder. Unfortunately I am not great at remembering to take it. The last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I'm pretty sure I missed at least two or three days in a row. I also (sorry guys) got my period this week and had a mildly stressful event at work. Friday I started having anxiety and it's sort of sticking with me - a lot worse today. Called the nurse at my Psych's office and she said I am probably experiencing some withdrawal symptoms, and to give it a few days taking my medicine regularly and see if it goes away. If not call back and I can see the psych. Does this sound right? I wouldn't think it would happen so fast ...

i just feel awful, and I want it to stop. Christmas is two days away and I feel like I can barely function right now. I'm just scared this won't go away...

12-23-2014, 05:49 PM
I take 20 mg lexapro for GAD and panic disorder. Unfortunately I am not great at remembering to take it. The last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I'm pretty sure I missed at least two or three days in a row. I also (sorry guys) got my period this week and had a mildly stressful event at work. Friday I started having anxiety and it's sort of sticking with me - a lot worse today. Called the nurse at my Psych's office and she said I am probably experiencing some withdrawal symptoms, and to give it a few days taking my medicine regularly and see if it goes away. If not call back and I can see the psych. Does this sound right? I wouldn't think it would happen so fast ...

i just feel awful, and I want it to stop. Christmas is two days away and I feel like I can barely function right now. I'm just scared this won't go away...

Yes it can happen that fast, I'm on same dosage as you a 3 days is long as I can go. I'm not telling you what to but i will take one in the morning and another at night after missing a few days to relieve the withdrawl symptoms faster. Good luck and feel better.

12-23-2014, 07:06 PM
Yes it can happen that fast, I'm on same dosage as you a 3 days is long as I can go. I'm not telling you what to but i will take one in the morning and another at night after missing a few days to relieve the withdrawl symptoms faster. Good luck and feel better.

Thanks for the response. I did some quick research this afternoon and I get mixed messages. Some people say there's no way someone could have anxiety return that quickly and others say absolutely. It's confusing.

I certainly didn't do myself any favors lately. Forgetting to take my medicine at night, I haven't been exercising this month, eating a lot of sweets and junk food, staying up late and letting myself get stressed. I'm sure it all contributed.

12-24-2014, 04:52 PM
Are you sure part of the problem isn't the holidays and all this strange weather we have been having, and all the earthquakes it seems like everyone has been experiencing in a lot of different countries and cities w/in these countries. And don't forget to take your meds , too.....