View Full Version : Is it possible to have physical symptoms without present anxiety?

12-23-2014, 01:38 PM
Hello everyone. I was wondering if it's possible to experience physical symptoms of anxiety when you're not mentally anxious or for no apparent reason?

Today I've noticed my middle section of my body (stomach and ribs) is sore and crampy? Not like digestive discomfort/nausea. Like when your muscles get sore after you exercise? When I press on a certain part of my ribs on my right side it feels like there's a bruise there. And if I make certain movements I can feel the sore feeling in my stomach area. It doesn't bother me a lot or anything but I have no idea why my middle area feels sore. I thought maybe I slept in a bad position but I slept on my couch last night and I've slept on it plenty of times before without any problems.

Is this just muscle soreness from anxiety? My anxiety has been stronger lately. Do anxiety disorders cause you to have physical anxiety symptoms even when you feel fine mentally/emotionally?

12-23-2014, 04:51 PM
Yes. Anxiety takes a toll on the body.

However, I have a suspicion you are still anxious, and just not as aware of it today.
If it is bothering you to the point that you are posting about here, there is an element of anxiety involved, you just may not be feeling it physically, or not processing it, mentally.