View Full Version : Could there be anyting else wrong with me?

07-21-2008, 08:29 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety for the past 3 years, and it has been a rollercoster of ups and downs. My question is, in most of the posts and stories I have read from people, no one really seems to have the same sickness that i experience. I feel dizzy, nautios, and sea sick, every single day of my life. And sometimes headaches. I have been on almost 10 SSRI's, xanax, and klonopin, and nothing has made me feel better. Is it normal for anxiety to create this much sickness? I feel like I could live my life if I just had panic attacks, but the constant sickness is dibilatiting, I cannot live my life. I dont know what to do, and I know that my psychiatrist has almost given up on me. Please help.


07-25-2008, 01:42 PM
I have been living with anxiety disorder for almost 2 years now. I feel like I am wasting my life and my youth(I am 22 now). I too was having constant dizziness from December of 2007 until about 3 months ago. I went to a neurologist who ordered an MRI which showed nothing, but he also ordered blood tests which showed my TSH which was a little high. After a follow up with my primary care doctor and another blood test it was confirmed that I was hypothyroid. Although the doctors have told me that the dizziness can not be from my thyroid I have read many people's accounts online which show otherwise. After 2-3 months on levoxyl I feel significantly better. I think that my anxiety made the dizziness worse but after I started the medication I didn't notice a difference for a while and I thought I would have to live this way forever! :( Although now I am hyperthyroid and my medication has to be reduced I am feeling alot better and the dizziness rarely bothers me anymore! It is definetly worth getting your TSH checked out to see if you might have the same problem. I know how it feels to think the psych you see is fed up with you but don't give up. I am sure there is nothing wrong with you, get some blood work and do some research. If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)