View Full Version : Dealing with suicide thoughts/plans

12-22-2014, 07:25 AM
Well, I guess a lot of people in this forum have been there, in the suicide zone. When the hope gets weak, those thoughts says hello.
I don't like them, because they partly calmes me, and they suck up my motivation to keep on struggling. And when I'm there it's so hard to find strength to do anything about my state of mind, because my hopes of getting better are so small...

What are you're experiences of suicide thoughts/plans?

12-22-2014, 07:49 AM
Well, I guess a lot of people in this forum have been there, in the suicide zone. When the hope gets weak, those thoughts says hello.
I don't like them, because they partly calmes me, and they suck up my motivation to keep on struggling. And when I'm there it's so hard to find strength to do anything about my state of mind, because my hopes of getting better are so small...

What are you're experiences of suicide thoughts/plans?

You don't need an answer to that question. Is that what you want to create and attract?

Suicide is symbolic in your mind, meaning you are using it to symbolize ultimately, peace. And a pause in the otherwise barrage of negative thoughts that you habitualize. Not in acting it out, suicide, but in the thinking about it.

Let's discuss suicide. And we are not talking about the terminally ill where the body is already damaged and the beliefs are set.

Suicide is violent. Destructive.

Life is a cooporative venture. All species work together for the good. No exceptions. You have the stragglers here and there that act out antisocial behaviours but that is far and between the overall constructive movement. Yes, even your animals work together with you.

Generally speaking to take ones life is to deny your helping hand on earth. And indeed people need your unique energies. If you would allow life to unfold without the false beliefs you hold about yourself, you'd find fulfillment and joy expressing your gifts and talents.

After the suicide then, you must be taught the error of your thinking and shown moving memories of what led to the decision, how the thoughts were unclear. It is a recap in a picture theatre (mental). You are also shown what could have been (roads not taken), finally the understanding that you create your reality. (responsible for it).

With this usually comes the birth of a desire to get it right, to do it again. And so eventually progressing on. There is ultimately no purpose for suicide other than violent self destruction, giving over to powerlessness which really is what your feeling. Despondency, the result of ineffective problem resolution (psychologically), or the feeling of being 'stuck' with seemingly no way out.

Kill yourself and you will be back, over and over, until you get it right. You are where you are today in fact because of where you have been, this game is not new to any of you. Although it is meant to feel like your first time, your only time. Earth has a familiarity and you are born with certain skills because of the many sojourns spent in 'practice'. Learning from each 'death'. I hope to not startle you with this information, but open your eyes to it.

You do not have to wait until your dead for this message however, because I've just given it to you, so you can remain alive and face your issues, and conquer them. Then use your hands to help and be of service to your species, any way you can.

That lesson is invaluable. This message goes out to all readers, yes you.

12-22-2014, 10:40 AM
Well, I guess a lot of people in this forum have been there, in the suicide zone. When the hope gets weak, those thoughts says hello.
I don't like them, because they partly calmes me, and they suck up my motivation to keep on struggling. And when I'm there it's so hard to find strength to do anything about my state of mind, because my hopes of getting better are so small...

What are you're experiences of suicide thoughts/plans?

If you or anyone have suicidal thoughts, immediately call this number and tell them. These people are trained to deal with it. This number is for the US, anyone in another country just google suicide hotline in your area. Call it now, don't wait!
1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

12-23-2014, 12:46 AM
Well, I guess a lot of people in this forum have been there, in the suicide zone. When the hope gets weak, those thoughts says hello.
I don't like them, because they partly calmes me, and they suck up my motivation to keep on struggling. And when I'm there it's so hard to find strength to do anything about my state of mind, because my hopes of getting better are so small...

What are you're experiences of suicide thoughts/plans?

I always thought -- If I am alive there is a chance of things getting better but if I'm dead there isn't (and I do believe what Im-Suffering says re having to come back and learn ones lessons).

I think people who truly want to die have lost hope that things could ever be better, which is silly really because everything is always changing.

I lost a close family member earlier in the year to drug overdose.. Not exactly suicide but careless and perhaps with suicidal ideas behind it. The impact on those left behind is massive. It's such a permanent thing (in this lifetime) and whatever it "fixes" is not permanent.

All the best to you,
Gypsy x