View Full Version : So I drank a cup of coffee...

Charles Price
12-19-2014, 04:10 PM
I drank a cup of coffee and I felt like someone gave me amphetamines, It caused me to be anxious. My heart is still pumping rapidly now after 40 minutes :O
anyone else sensitive to caffeine? does it make an impact on your anxiety?

12-19-2014, 05:15 PM
Yep! I dont drink coffee anymore and no other caffeine after 5pm. ....

12-19-2014, 08:59 PM
I beg your pardon, it is not your heart it is the fear that something is going to happen. A cup of coffee can high the heart beat a bit and only for a while. Panic attack can, but drinking coffee is not panic attack. Only when you think it is causing a panic attack it will. I drink 4 cups of coffee everyday, and coffee do not cause me panic attack, it is temporary spike in bp not too much and a bit of faster heartbeat. No one died after one cup of coffee...........

12-19-2014, 10:49 PM
I have issues with caffeine too. I once bought a large energy drink for a long car ride, and I definitely regretted it big time.


12-20-2014, 05:52 AM
I beg your pardon, it is not your heart it is the fear that something is going to happen. A cup of coffee can high the heart beat a bit and only for a while. Panic attack can, but drinking coffee is not panic attack. Only when you think it is causing a panic attack it will. I drink 4 cups of coffee everyday, and coffee do not cause me panic attack, it is temporary spike in bp not too much and a bit of faster heartbeat. No one died after one cup of coffee...........


If you are going to fear coffee itself OP, but you enjoy it, use decaf.

12-20-2014, 08:48 AM
I drank a cup of coffee and I felt like someone gave me amphetamines, It caused me to be anxious. My heart is still pumping rapidly now after 40 minutes :O
anyone else sensitive to caffeine? does it make an impact on your anxiety?

When you are healing anxiety no caffeine and no alcohol. But actually, a lot of it is in your head. But in all actuality you probably had a slight panic attack from thinking of the coffee and that is why your heart is beating so fast. Coffee makes you really alert and you probably freaked out about it and caused adrenaline to be released. Don't worry, it is not dangerous. Drink lots of water and eat and stay away from caffeine until your anxiety is better.

12-20-2014, 10:57 AM
Once I had a really bad panic attack at work. I got home feeling better and relaxed now that I was in my comfort zone. I had a cup of normal caffeinated coffee and it did not increase my anxiety, I was still relaxed. I think the fact I was in my comfort zone cancelled out any effects of caffeine.

If you give an anxious person decaf coffee but tell them its normal coffee it will still raise their anxiety as if the coffee was full of caffeine.

So I guess a lot of its in the mind. The so-called placebo effect.

12-20-2014, 11:01 AM
I beg your pardon, it is not your heart it is the fear that something is going to happen. A cup of coffee can high the heart beat a bit and only for a while. Panic attack can, but drinking coffee is not panic attack. Only when you think it is causing a panic attack it will. I drink 4 cups of coffee everyday, and coffee do not cause me panic attack, it is temporary spike in bp not too much and a bit of faster heartbeat. No one died after one cup of coffee...........

I agree. I think a lot of it is the placebo effect. Give some one a cup of decaf coffee and tell them its normal coffee, their anxiety and heart rate will go up a lot even though they had no caffeine.
Simply shows that it's all in the mind and that's why CBT is far more effective than drug treatment.

12-20-2014, 02:59 PM
Even 1 cup of coffee makes you feel overly alert, and someone's nerves that are very sensitive may having a feeling like they took some type of speedy drug. But then that feeling reminds them of the panic/anxiety feeling and so they then panic causing adrenaline to be released then having a panic attack. The coffee did make them feel an excited feeling, but that caused them to trigger the panic, causing the heart to beat real fast and triple the excited feeling.

12-20-2014, 03:23 PM
I drank a cup of coffee and I felt like someone gave me amphetamines, It caused me to be anxious. My heart is still pumping rapidly now after 40 minutes :O
anyone else sensitive to caffeine? does it make an impact on your anxiety?

I'm very much this way. Used to drink it to pick me up, but can't have (hardly) any these days...

12-20-2014, 04:20 PM
Yeah....I have to do decaf if I do drink coffee. I tried regular coffee again and it was nothing pretty.....lol.

Chelsea Doak
12-24-2014, 02:13 AM
I quit drinking caffeine after I was first diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Decaf coffee and no more soda... so it's been about 9 months without me having caffine. I started drinking little bits of it (soda) for about a month not and i definitely noticed my anxiety creeping in with all the great symptoms. Caffine has got to do something with MY anxiety at least! We're all different though...

12-24-2014, 03:42 AM
Even 1 cup of coffee makes you feel overly alert, and someone's nerves that are very sensitive may having a feeling like they took some type of speedy drug. But then that feeling reminds them of the panic/anxiety feeling and so they then panic causing adrenaline to be released then having a panic attack. The coffee did make them feel an excited feeling, but that caused them to trigger the panic, causing the heart to beat real fast and triple the excited feeling.

Just wanted to say that the assumptions made here, are not what I have experienced when drinking coffee. I suffer a host of mental issues with extreme anxiety and have drunk plenty of coffee. I could share my own experiences, but am having too much fun listening to others speak for me. :)

Caffeine is in many things other just than coffee.

12-24-2014, 11:56 AM
Coffee is full of beneficial antioxidants. drinking an energy pop is no, no. One cup of coffee contains 60-80 mg of coffeine
A daily intake of 130 to 300 milligrams of caffeine is considered low to moderate, according to Medicine.Net.com. Anything more than 600 milligrams of caffeine per day is considered excessive. The average person consumes 280 milligrams of caffeine daily. Enjoy having two to four cups of coffee a day without worrying. However, the Mayo Clinic states that moderate caffeine consumption (about four to seven cups of coffee each day) could present some long- term effects. These include insomnia, irritability, anxiety, crabbiness, headaches and an increased heartbeat. Some medications and herbal supplements have a negative effect when taken with caffeine. Certain types of antibiotics, such as norfloxacin, can lengthen the time caffeine stays in the body.

When ephedra, a herbal dietary supplement, is taken with caffeine, it could raise the chances for coronary disorders and seizures and could lead to death. Hopefully people here are to smart to touch Ephedra.
Very often I have just white tea, it is as refreshing if not more as coffee and the taste is heavenly.
Happy Yule people :))

12-24-2014, 12:51 PM
Just wanted to say that the assumptions made here, are not what I have experienced when drinking coffee. I suffer a host of mental issues with extreme anxiety and have drunk plenty of coffee. I could share my own experiences, but am having too much fun listening to others speak for me. :)

Caffeine is in many things other just than coffee.

Assumptions? Coffee and caffeine will affect different people differently. Just because it does not affect you much doesn't mean this is how most people respond to it. Also, if you are a regular coffee drinker you have a tolerance for the caffeine. Not everyone responds the same way. That is why some people feel very relaxed after smoking weed and others feel super charged and paranoid from the same substance. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others and many people who have an anxiety disorder will be ultra sensitive to it. What I described was most likely what the OP experienced: The initial feeling of the caffeine and that triggering this person to get scared triggering a panic attack.

12-24-2014, 03:27 PM
there is nothing worse than fear