View Full Version : I have a rash under my ribs, may be from fat anxiety.

12-18-2014, 07:11 PM
I have been focusing on not eating too much junk food. But then my body focus was on my ribs , and the flab around my tummy. So now I have this rash, and I think it may be from fat anxiety. I drink soy milk, don't think that would cause it. But the rash is causing me to have anxiety over what the heck it is. Must see urgent care over the weekend or ASAP. Pray for me to heal please. This must go away, I cannot deal w/ it. They feel like flea bites. I never had measles or chicken pox, might it be that. I have a pic for yal to help me guess what it may be???

12-18-2014, 11:50 PM
I have been focusing on not eating too much junk food. But then my body focus was on my ribs , and the flab around my tummy. So now I have this rash, and I think it may be from fat anxiety. I drink soy milk, don't think that would cause it. But the rash is causing me to have anxiety over what the heck it is. Must see urgent care over the weekend or ASAP. Pray for me to heal please. This must go away, I cannot deal w/ it. They feel like flea bites. I never had measles or chicken pox, might it be that. I have a pic for yal to help me guess what it may be???

Should we pray or just go to a dermatologist?

12-19-2014, 06:44 AM
For some reason.....I cant see the pic.

Chicken pox- you'd have a very itchy rash all over your body. VERY itchy.

Measles- I think you'd have a full body rash accompanied by a very high fever.

Rosella- the rash appears most on the trunk ( stomach, back) and you might have a fever as well.

I think you should just contact your doc. They might even let you email the picture to them for review. I am pretty sure that either they will let you know it is a virus or just refer you to a dermatologist.

Do not panic. It isn't life threatening. ....just more annoying than anything, right? Not worth having a panic attack over.......

12-19-2014, 01:36 PM
I have been focusing on not eating too much junk food. But then my body focus was on my ribs , and the flab around my tummy. So now I have this rash, and I think it may be from fat anxiety. I drink soy milk, don't think that would cause it. But the rash is causing me to have anxiety over what the heck it is. Must see urgent care over the weekend or ASAP. Pray for me to heal please. This must go away, I cannot deal w/ it. They feel like flea bites. I never had measles or chicken pox, might it be that. I have a pic for yal to help me guess what it may be???

It may be shingles.

12-19-2014, 03:49 PM
It may be shingles.

Very true! Hadn't thought of that.....

12-19-2014, 04:03 PM
Very true! Hadn't thought of that.....

I really think so.... that is the most common area, and it comes with a cough.

12-19-2014, 04:20 PM
How do you cure The Shingles? Is that like herpes???I wash laundry in cold water would that cause it?My brothers garments???

12-19-2014, 05:01 PM
I just talked w/ Kaiser triage and my Dr's nurse c/b and said that she doesn't think its Shingles. She thinks I need a topical derm prescription for a skin reaction to detergent or to my new bras I just received from a mail order purchase. They fit well, but I never did wash them 1st before wearing them. I guess I should, ha???

12-19-2014, 05:13 PM
I just talked w/ Kaiser triage and my Dr's nurse c/b and said that she doesn't think its Shingles. She thinks I need a topical derm prescription for a skin reaction to detergent or to my new bras I just received from a mail order purchase. They fit well, but I never did wash them 1st before wearing them. I guess I should, ha???

Well.....that isnt bad at all! At least it is nothing too serious!! Yeah....I usually wash all undergarments first. ........but I am just glad that you are feeling better!

12-19-2014, 09:11 PM
I just talked w/ Kaiser triage and my Dr's nurse c/b and said that she doesn't think its Shingles. She thinks I need a topical derm prescription for a skin reaction to detergent or to my new bras I just received from a mail order purchase. They fit well, but I never did wash them 1st before wearing them. I guess I should, ha???

That's good news.

12-19-2014, 09:26 PM
Yes, I went and just did a bra wash . Every new bra was included.

12-19-2014, 09:47 PM
: D Nothing like new bras!

12-19-2014, 10:06 PM
Should we pray or just go to a dermatologist?

12-20-2014, 05:12 PM
Well, they have all been washed and are free of whatever polluted them before, from the bra factory.

12-20-2014, 06:52 PM
That's good it nothing serious. Sometimes I get like a heat rash under the girls!! I just wash dry real good and apply powder.

12-20-2014, 08:20 PM
After doing online research on this rash, I saw that pre-lupus and lupus patients have this skin condition called discoid lupus rash. You think I have that???I sure hope not. but I am tired a lot, and my arm joint has hurt me since I over used it 1 day throwing a basketball 3 months ago, and I feel feverish at times, I just donated a bunch of long sleeve tops for that reason too. Pray I dont have it. Lupus that is. It sounds like a modern day version of Leprosy, yikezzzzzzzz.