View Full Version : Heart Problems?

07-21-2008, 06:59 AM

I'm new here but reading some of the posts it seems that I have come to the right place.

I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced what I am currently experiencing. It almost feels like somebody is "squeezing" my heart - it's a very quick sensation with no residual effects and can happen up to 20 times a day. This started about 4 days ago even when I'm not in the midst of an anxiety attack. I know that you can have symptoms even when you aren't feeling anxious but I'm concerned about this new symptom. Can a palpatation feel like that? Has anyone else had something similar?


07-21-2008, 08:01 AM

When my attacks start it is usually caused by a symptom like this. I feel it in my chest and it is almost a squeezing senstation that last from a fleeting moment to a few seconds. It is almost as if my heart is skipping beats. This scares the crap outta me and sends me off into panic attack land. Heck, it is happening right now as I type. It doesn't really "hurt" but the shock of the sensation is quite unsettling.

07-21-2008, 08:59 AM
That's exactly how it is for me. I've just been to my doctor who listened to my heart for about 30 seconds and said not to worry because there was only 1 missed beat in that time and it's not constant. Do you know what is classified as constant? Should I ask for an ECG to see if it's serious? All the websites I went and read about arrhythmia seem to indicate it can be a serious problem. As you say Sarrah, all this does is kick off another panic attack!

07-21-2008, 10:46 AM
Yep. I have had stress tests, ekg, ecg, holter and even a tilt table test. All of it came back that my heart is ok yet it keeps doing this to me. My biggest fear is that they missed something and that something really is wrong this time and that thought just keeps rolling around my brain when these days happen. Today has been REALLY bad for the old heart flutters.