View Full Version : A Note about Health Anxiety

12-18-2014, 04:42 PM

Anxiety tends to be a symptom of the larger issue, not the actual issue itself.

With health anxiety we often fear the big ones. Cancer. Stroke. Etc, etc. A simple google search will reveal that everyone is all suffering from a terrible illness, which isn't the case. The internet content is designed to be sensationalized, and is worded in a way that can get the website the most hits, resulting in profit for the company. In other words, don't do it, it won't help.

Anyways, we fear the big ones, why? It usually isn't because of the illness itself. People get sick all of the time, no big deal. It is because these illnesses have the power to disrupt or destroy our pre-planned paths in life. We all have created our lives in our head, and these health issues have the power to destroy it, or even kill us. I find that the core of health anxiety often stems from one of two areas. 1. Fear of Death (The illness wouldn't matter if it wouldn't kill you, it is the death you're afraid of). 2. Fear of significant lifestyle changes (I can't live how I currently do, or wanted to, if this illness happens to me).

So, the issues lie somewhere within needing to control every aspect of our lives, and fear of losing life. Anxiety is the symptom that occurs when we begin to believe one of those issues (or possibly another) is beginning to happen. Address these areas, and see if the anxiety doesn't calm down some. Everyone is different, so these may not be the issues they are fearful of, but there is always a larger issue present. Do some soul searching, and confront what that is.

And, remember, live in the moment. That is all there ever is. The past and future are concepts, find happiness in the now. We can spend our lives worrying about possible illnesses, and end up facing suffering from a completely unrelated area. Car accident. House Fire. Who knows? The reality is that there is no guarantee in how the future will progress. Enjoy today, because even the healthiest and most "successful" individual, is not guaranteed an easy tomorrow.