View Full Version : Pulse in Vision

12-18-2014, 12:39 PM
Does anybody have any insight on being able to see their pulse in their vision? For me, it is as if a small darkish (but somewhat transparent?) circle comes in and out of my vision with my heartbeat. I don't always notice it. It is more prominent with a fast heart rate or in bright lighting. I usually cannot see it if my eyes are focused on anything.

A little over a year ago I got really bad healthy anxiety. I was dieing in every way possible lol. But, I had visual issues that started it. I would see trails behind moving objects ( it looked as though when I moved my hand, that I had a second "ghost" hand behind it), struggled to keep straight edges in focus and they would "shimmer", or "Shake", and I had splitting vision. After a million tests, they never found anything, and I was diagnosed with an astigmatism, which corrected the splitting vision. About a week or two after this is when I first noticed the pulse in my vision.

It's been a year and I'm not too worried about it. I have since conquered my anxiety, mostly, and don't have a lot of issues with it. I noticed when I stopped studying my other visual phenomena, the rate at which I noticed them dramatically reduced. I'll go months now without seeing them. I guess what I'm getting at is, does anybody else experience the pulse in their vision? I feel as though it may just be due to hyperawareness and benign optic phenomena. I would appreciate any insight that does not include, "Hi I googled it and you might be dead in the next 5 seconds"lol. Anyways, I am in good health and don't have high blood pressure. Thanks!