View Full Version : Great tip regarding GAD-exercises

12-18-2014, 07:44 AM
I've been having problems with doing my GAD-exercises. The exercises all include looking at the worry-thoughts and not act on them, not getting into them.

One problem I've been having is that when I do them, I get these thoughts: "I suck, I can't do this, I'm weak". Today I saw my psychologist, and she told me "those are worry-thoughts to!!" Ha!

12-18-2014, 08:27 AM
One problem I've been having is that when I do them, I get these thoughts: "I suck, I can't do this, I'm weak".

Listen carefully. No creature inherently feels that way. That is conditioning.

"I suck, I can't do this, I'm weak" was an interpretation of experience as a child. And that child's beliefs are still directing your life. It is not enough to just say a "worry thought" or belief is untrue, you must also edify, bring to light, the deeper understanding. Which you are now doing, by expanding your consciousness.

For example your mom said to you "can't you just get me my soda, you can't do anything right"

That is trauma and shock, and so the child hears "I suck, I can't do this, I'm weak"

Today, forgetting the soda incident, you are left with "I suck, etc" and so that affects every aspect of your life. Getting rid of that belief (seeing it for what it is, an ((unclear)) interpretation of an event, and not a fact about your personality) will change everything across the board, almost immediately.

Do you understand? You are doing well.