View Full Version : Anxiety : Insurmountable problems : and the accumulation of fear

12-18-2014, 07:23 AM
In the past I have taught many here how to think correctly. But correct thinking does not mean one is problem free. Most of you are of the thinking that you would be happy, if only you were free of all problems. Problems are associated with negative beliefs.

And that is the subject here. So pull up a chair, and let's begin. Stay with me.

'Problems' ~

Any illness (of any sort) is the inability to solve mental or psychological problems in the correct manner. Underline "correct"

Life, as many of you think, would be best if it were problem free. Only then can you lie on that beach chair care free.

However, that beach chair in itself may then present it's own set of problems. Up or down, to close to the water, noisy neighbors, and so forth.

Problems are creative. Problems activate several faculties, whether psychic or physical, as one begins to imagine a resolution. Always first in the mind.

You might picture moving your beach chair away from noisy neighbors and picture a pleasant silence to relax in, this is done firstly before any physical movement. There is no other way. Therefore all action begins as psychological.

Getting back to problems. You might say the human has built in faculties inherent in the species to deal with the issues of a life. This applies to the animal kingdom as well. What animals use as instinct is also within your set of tools, most often resolution comes from flashes from the subconscious to the conscious by use of the imagination.

Problems are creative. And thus pose the human with opportunity to use his faculties. To say problems are opportunities is quite correct, self worth and esteem are often linked to how capable one feels in problem resolution, and his or her track record.

Now, when one feels inadequate in his abilities, the naturally occuring problems (opportunities foe creativity and expression) begin to mount.

Reaching insurmountable proportions one shrinks or pulls back from attempted resolution. Ignoring the hunches or instincts and denying that portion of himself that would assist in their resolution.

The ego which is the lens to the world, is left to fend for itself. The ego is not the problem solver. The ego sends pictures of the world back to the subconscious which can the take mental action based on those observations, faulty or not. The ego often distorts these pictures because the ego filters them through personal beliefs. So the subconscious is getting faulty messages to act upon.

If the person shuts down his inner faculties, believing his problems insurmountable and thus he is powerless or unworthy, then the ego fends for itself, no longer having the cushion, or support of the inner self. And so the ego begins to doubt, worry, and fear for its tomorrows. Acting alone you see, is the major factor in anxiety. The ego is left to its reason alone, blocking all help from the creative imagination which is the fount of knowledge.

One is not to look for a problem free life of inertia. One is to look for an activity filled life gladly accepting the opportunities presented to be creative and express itself.

Life is action, all action is creative. Creativity uses the faculties designed for problem resolution.

When the problems stuff up, or when you rely on a rigid ego alone to solve them, in a very real sense you are stuffing up creativity and expression, which is a vital force and an attribute of energy. There is a yearning (to be creative) in being.

Now, indecision leads to doubt, which leads to worry, and in turn fear. Longstanding unresolved problems, wrong choices, incorrect thinking, childhood conditioning, lead eventually to the trauma episode or shock of the incipient panic attack, triggering awareness of anxiety. One becomes nervously ill.

Now, if I say the original statement again it may be clearer :

Illness is always the inability to solve mental or psychological problems in the correct manner.

Self examination would uncover the reasons for the beliefs, the problem avoidance or incorrect resolution. Looking at your life and your decisions is paramount here.

That is enough on this subject to come away with at least a basic understanding of anxiety, why is occurs, and open avenues of understanding that could help you recover.

12-18-2014, 02:37 PM
Thank you!
Very good insight into anxiety!
I'd only disagree with your view of all possible illness being a result of psychological belief systems, but I do think faulty beliefs and the effects they cause are at the root of anxiety, and at the core of the cure of anxiety.

12-20-2014, 05:17 AM
Have a great day friends!
Wishing you the best... :)

Enduronman :)

12-21-2014, 08:27 AM
Interesting, sometimes I just dread seeing that bolded (unread) email come across the screen. What went wrong now? Then I find the most rewarding (other than the paycheck) thing about work is finding solutions to problems. My job is pretty much those word problems in math that nobody likes, LOL.

I had to stop and laugh at the beginning. Leave it to me to turn a trip to a peaceful beach into an anxiety episode!