View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety or something else? I am terrified and alone.

Toto Wilcox
12-17-2014, 12:46 PM
About two months ago I started suffering from Vertigo, my world spins several times a day and my first reaction was get on google.... I have found that vertigo is caused by some simple curable things or by some very serious diseases.... I visited a doctor and he is testing me and so far hasn't found anything, as a result I am always on google and on support groups reading the story of lots of people with terrible conditions related to having vertigo and I cannot stop panicking, this is the only thing I think about all day.

I am having very scary symptoms since this spinning started.

I feel like I am walking in a cloud at times this scares me, sort of like I am in a movie with midst around, it's not exactly foggy like I cannot see, I can see and operate but it feels weird, like brain fog (the best word I have for it), I also feel some weird sensations sort of like blood rushing thru my face and I also get numbness around the head, I am getting to the point where every little pin, itch worries me (things humans normally ignore), I have become obsessed with me having some serious medical condition and this vertigo is a symptom of it, friday I have my appointment with the neurologist.

When I am starting to feel better, I come across horrible scary conditions and diseases on the net caused by vertigo, at the same time, even the most serious accredited sites say the large majority of vertigo is caused by non-life threatening issues in the ear.

I am constantly checking my symptoms etc. what if it never goes away? this is what scares me the most!

The cloudiness I feel at times, scares me and I start to breath and I can see my chest raising when I breath it normally doesnt do that, like some pressure on my chest (is that anxiety?) i am scared that it might be some disease related to my vertigo.

thank you for your understanding.

12-17-2014, 01:10 PM
hey Toto!

I've felt all of these things too. I started feeling like this when i was worrying about my health to an extent that was out of proportion to the actual symptoms i was feeling. i spoke to a doctor and after the relevant tests, he concluded that i had health anxiety.

When suffering from this anxiety i always felt like i was in a dream, maybe similar to you feeling like you have a mist around you? I had dizzy spells. I was always very aware of the feeling of my heart beating, that it was too heavy/too fast etc. Minor sensations became exaggerated and i always thought the worst was happening to me (at one point i went to the doc because i thought the veins in my arms might burst! so silly looking back now) and i constantly checked myself for symptoms. I also felt like i couldnt take in enough oxygen, even if i breathed as deeply as pysically possible, i still felt breathless.

These are all symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety shows itself in so many different ways. And always differntly from person to person.

I really hope this has settled your mind a little bit, and hold in there until you speak to the doctor!

12-17-2014, 01:15 PM
Vertigo was my intro to the world of anxiety. I would get these brief dizzy spells that would happen alot...especially while driving. I went to the neurologist, the ear and throat specialist a cardiologist....the list goes on and on.I had a ton of tests done.....MRI, cardiac stress test...tilt table tests, blood work, etc..etc...it all boiled down to anxiety. Once I got it pretty much in check, the dizzy spells stopped. Just like that. I am sure if they cant find anything in the basic battery of tests....it is due to anxiety.