View Full Version : effexor alcohol and benzos

12-17-2014, 11:09 AM
I had severe stomach pains since 1995. In 2010 I was put on zoloft for anxiety. In 2011 I had my gall bladder removed thinking that was the cause. No change. In 2012 I had a colonoscopy and it came back clean. Stress was suggested cause of dirrehea and pains. Got switched to effoxor and klonopin. Ended up in rehab for klonopin. Also have had a unsATIABLE craving for alcohol since starting these drugs. I'm tired of it. Can anybody help? I can't function without ssri and Snris and when I take them I turn into a drug abusing alcoholic. Have had a problem with opiates, benzos, barbs, and alcohol since I started taking antidepressants . Never did before this. Suffer from migraines as well and effoxor helps big time for that too. Lost some good jobs and marriage is hurting

12-17-2014, 06:22 PM
I had severe stomach pains since 1995. In 2010 I was put on zoloft for anxiety. In 2011 I had my gall bladder removed thinking that was the cause. No change. In 2012 I had a colonoscopy and it came back clean. Stress was suggested cause of dirrehea and pains. Got switched to effoxor and klonopin. Ended up in rehab for klonopin. Also have had a unsATIABLE craving for alcohol since starting these drugs. I'm tired of it. Can anybody help? I can't function without ssri and Snris and when I take them I turn into a drug abusing alcoholic. Have had a problem with opiates, benzos, barbs, and alcohol since I started taking antidepressants . Never did before this. Suffer from migraines as well and effoxor helps big time for that too. Lost some good jobs and marriage is hurting

Hey there,

I've had similar problems with alcohol and drugs, and been on SSRIs/SNRIs for years. There's no link between the two, I promise you. It's just coincidental that you crave alcohol and drugs since you went on the antidepressants.

Gypsy :)

12-17-2014, 09:23 PM
I had severe stomach pains since 1995. In 2010 I was put on zoloft for anxiety. In 2011 I had my gall bladder removed thinking that was the cause. No change. In 2012 I had a colonoscopy and it came back clean. Stress was suggested cause of dirrehea and pains. Got switched to effoxor and klonopin. Ended up in rehab for klonopin. Also have had a unsATIABLE craving for alcohol since starting these drugs. I'm tired of it. Can anybody help? I can't function without ssri and Snris and when I take them I turn into a drug abusing alcoholic. Have had a problem with opiates, benzos, barbs, and alcohol since I started taking antidepressants . Never did before this. Suffer from migraines as well and effoxor helps big time for that too. Lost some good jobs and marriage is hurting

I got hooked on Klonopins too once. This may sound odd, but I suggest you go to an NA meeting and talk about this. Raise your hand and tell the group and ask for help. As you know, mixing alcohol or other drugs with Benzos is extremely dangerous! You also said, "when I take them I turn into a drug abusing alcoholic." I think the closest and soonest NA meeting would be probably the best thing you can do right now. You will meet some really great people and really cute girls as well!

12-18-2014, 09:57 PM
i had severe stomach pains since 1995. In 2010 i was put on zoloft for anxiety. In 2011 i had my gall bladder removed thinking that was the cause. No change. In 2012 i had a colonoscopy and it came back clean. Stress was suggested cause of dirrehea and pains. Got switched to effoxor and klonopin. Ended up in rehab for klonopin. Also have had a unsatiable craving for alcohol since starting these drugs. I'm tired of it. Can anybody help? I can't function without ssri and snris and when i take them i turn into a drug abusing alcoholic. Have had a problem with opiates, benzos, barbs, and alcohol since i started taking antidepressants . Never did before this. Suffer from migraines as well and effoxor helps big time for that too. Lost some good jobs and marriage is hurting

why? Why? Why?