View Full Version : I'm on sertraline. Should I consider switching to wellbutrin?

12-16-2014, 09:20 PM
Hi there. I've been on sertraline since the beginning of this year for my anxiety and depression, and while I've certainly come a good ways from how I felt back then, I'm still having a few issues. A big one is this sense of emotional numbness, where I don't feel like I can get excited or sad or passionate about practically anything. I've noticed this gradually coming on for a few years before I got on antidepressants, and while it hasn't gotten any worse since I've started, I feel as if I should be feeling more than I do right now. My therapist told me that this is a possible side effect of the sertraline itself, and then suggested I talk to my doctor about wellbutrin, which supposedly doesn't have the same potential for emotional blunting.

Is my therapist correct on this? Should I bring this up with my doctor next time I see him? Is there anything I should know about wellbutrin before I try taking it, and if it's any better than sertraline?

12-17-2014, 01:03 AM

I was on it for a little over a year ... I felt great too ... but eventually I ended right back where I started if not worse. Also gained weight and it was a shit to come off. This one triggered my tinnitus. Also add to that erectile dysfunction, which I am glad to say has come back with me passion that was also robed from me.

Yes - one of the biggest prices I found when using anti- whatever drugs ... is a loss of emotion which caps the full circle I often encounter. That's my experience with them. Not meant for full time use IMO.

Have a Cracker Day ;)

01-07-2015, 03:04 AM
Is my therapist correct on this? Should I bring this up with my doctor next time I see him? Is there anything I should know about wellbutrin before I try taking it, and if it's any better than sertraline?

i take wellbutrin extended release and ive been pretty content on it. it is the only ad i know of that doesnt impact libido/climax.my libido actually increased. it has not made me gain any weight. its supposed to help you lose weight if anything. it also seems to help people stop smoking. i am on the lowest dose, 150mg. it gave me a little boost and i was more eager to find a new job (which i did!) . the down side - it doesnt help with anxiety or ocd like zoloft does. it only helps with depression. it also doesnt work on serotonin...for some people it seems like they dont do well without an ssri. ive felt like i needed something addl for my anxiety.

01-09-2015, 09:15 AM
Definitely talk to your doctor about the fact that you are experiencing emotional blunting. I actually just went through the same situation in the last few months where my ad was making me emotionally blunted. I was to the point where I was bouncing between depression and apathy for about 2 months.
If your doctor doesn't switch you to a new med he/she will likely try to lower your dosage of the sertraline to see if the emotional blunting lessens. The only potential issue with that is it may result in a temporary rebound of your anxiety and depression.

01-10-2015, 02:04 PM
I just started sertraline and am having a little increased anxiety and hot flashes. I feel kinda jittery like I can't sit still. I also am having trouble with insomnia, but that's the whole reason why I went to the psych. in the first place is I had several panic attacks over Christmas break and stopped sleeping for like 4 days. The er doc gave me lunesta/ativan combo and it helped, but I wasn't getting a lot of sleep. My new psych. gave me seraquel but that didn't seem to work last night, so I have to double the dose tonight. Prayers to all of us to figure out this mess we're in.

01-10-2015, 03:05 PM
Seroquel/)Quetiapine) - Be warned ... I never was.


Hit my record obesity level - BMI just shot of FORTY!!! - nearly had metabolic syndrome and I suffered a HOST of side effects whilst ON the drug, let alone coming off!!! -

Now just 5 days short of 3 months off the night mare of a drug. The shrink also prescribed me Seroquel whilst I was on setraline.

I'm now back to living life without medication and whilst it can be hard to bear whatever emotion - it's good to be living again, as opposed to be hiding. Hiding is all I was ever doing as once on the meds, I never really adopted nay other strategy. Fact was - I was too much of a zombie to do much of anything and the doctors I saw at the end of the welfare line had no real interest as to where I was in my recovery ... therefore ... it was a blessing in disguise, as I had no choice but to make up my own mind whether I wanted to live or die a long slow death of suffocation on said meds.

Whilst it never really pays to go cold turkeys coming off such medications, IMO -> don't place so much weight on those that claim you MUST do as your doctors says - Question everything and understand that doctors too, often make mistakes and are as complacent and prone to dissatisfaction as those they see. Find a doctor that is not so Pro Meds. A task rather hard, but worth the effort. Everyone can tell you about the easy way out, but rarely do many speak up on what others do not like to hear.

I no longer smoke, drink OR TAKE MEDS! - yet there are many professionals who would easily say - "He needs Meds!" Or - They get you buy asking what your label is - If you reply with the main stream terms - Clinical Depression, Social Phobia, Extreme Anxiety - or whatever ... there Primary question that comes next is "What meds you taking?" if they have any tact or someone worth maybe lending an ear, they may ask "Do you take any meds?" Still though - both question are what comes next, which seems to imply either two thing ... ONE They believe for you to suffer any instability ... that you should be on meds, and or - that your current level of suffering (or ability) is determined weather you have meds or not ... that is to say, many professionals depending in what line of service they are in - can be quick to write you off as cured if you not on meds ... or you be someone who does not justify the attention of servicing because obviously you have to be on meds if your really having a bad day like everyone else! ... BUT ... If your taking Meds ... You must surely have a condition worth medicating, otherwise whilst would one medicate do begin with ... right?

This is how complacent these professionals are that many in here tell you, you must go and see. I've been in this game for a LONG TIME now - and I have no problem telling you, what others do not like to see. Those young shrinks many see in the hospital have no idea ... your like a guinea pig and those ones been at it for years are set in stone and can do no wrong. They rarely tell you about the side effects and preach the lessor of evils - Problem form their is people then go off with the drugs and rely on both them and call the doc "theirs" ... "My Doc" this and that ...

From there the circle begins ... and indeed it's a circle whether it take months or years! -

What else do you have in your shopping list ... I'm betting plenty of take away, cigarettes and beers. Whatever keeps you going right? Generalizing no doubt ... but I'm betting those who aren't in here talking shop all the time are pretty much on the low dosage end with much of the focus on getting off mind altering drugs and getting on with living life.

Good luck playing guinea pig - I hope it does not go on for years ... mine did ... but *&^% it's great to be thus far FREE! Anxiety is a fact of life ... live life and then you might just be able to make anxiety work for you, instead of living in fear as the meds keep you.

Of course, just my view ... took me a long time to get to this position ... but I don't regret having taken the ride. Ya live and ya Lean.

Edit ... again ,,, this is just my experience. If medication is helping you and you know it --- then go with what you think is best.

01-10-2015, 08:34 PM
According to my doctor, zoloft is supposed to be a mild anti depressant. She said there would be no crazy long term affects on me. I can't speak for wellbutrin, but I know when starting zoloft, at first I was extremely lethargic..I literally had trouble getting out of bed. I was also a bit on edge, and just spacey in my mind, out of it. After a week the symptoms started to phase though and I have leveled out. Seems like you have already given it a week or two with the meds, but I'd say if it doesn't clear up soon think about switching.

01-12-2015, 04:15 AM
According to my doctor, zoloft is supposed to be a mild anti depressant. She said there would be no crazy long term affects on me. I can't speak for wellbutrin, but I know when starting zoloft, at first I was extremely lethargic..I literally had trouble getting out of bed. I was also a bit on edge, and just spacey in my mind, out of it. After a week the symptoms started to phase though and I have leveled out. Seems like you have already given it a week or two with the meds, but I'd say if it doesn't clear up soon think about switching.

I've only been on zoloft for a few days. I thought it would be more sedating than it is, but in fact, I feel more anxious, especially in the afternoon. Sleep is a nightmare, my lunesta and ativan didn't help me at all last night. I see my therapist today, maybe she can help me. I feel hopeless like I'll never sleep normally again.

And no, I don't smoke or drink FYI.

01-12-2015, 09:29 AM
I've only been on zoloft for a few days. I thought it would be more sedating than it is, but in fact, I feel more anxious, especially in the afternoon. Sleep is a nightmare, my lunesta and ativan didn't help me at all last night. I see my therapist today, maybe she can help me. I feel hopeless like I'll never sleep normally again.

And no, I don't smoke or drink FYI.

Definitely if it's just been a few days, see if you can hang in there for a week or two. It can sometimes make the person feel more depressed or anxious before it gets better, so it says. I didn't immediately get better until 2 weeks after using the zoloft. Check your blood levels to see if you are low in any vital nutrients. I was extremely low in vitamin D and supplementing has helped me tremendously. Check to see what vitamins or minerals are good for helping regulate sleep patterns and maybe see if incorporating those helps you.

01-12-2015, 01:43 PM
Definitely if it's just been a few days, see if you can hang in there for a week or two. It can sometimes make the person feel more depressed or anxious before it gets better, so it says. I didn't immediately get better until 2 weeks after using the zoloft. Check your blood levels to see if you are low in any vital nutrients. I was extremely low in vitamin D and supplementing has helped me tremendously. Check to see what vitamins or minerals are good for helping regulate sleep patterns and maybe see if incorporating those helps you.

The dr. Too me off zoloft completely today and says he justs wants to focus on my sleep. He gave me doxepin to take for a few days to see how it works. I'm praying I get some sleep tonight.