View Full Version : Hi new here...and desperately searching for help

12-16-2014, 07:30 PM
Hi, I'm new to the forum but not new to anxiety. I've always had some mild up and down behavior but after the birth of my daughter 9 years ago, whatever is wrong with me has kicked into overdrive. We've recently been having her tested for some health issues (I won't get into detail) but I have seriously not been able to eat, sleep or think about anything other than her having a serious illness. I cry all the time and cannot seem to complete even mundane activities. I can't sleep at night but after I take her to school I want to and have curled up and slept all morning. I do not enjoy life anymore, I keep thinking what if she's got something? I'm torn between trying to find answers and being over reactive and I'm afraid I'm turning my daughter into a paranoid child as well.

The counselor I'm seeing had me take GABA, but it gave me really bad headaches. I'm just so scared, and probably irrationally about my child.

Does anyone else suffer from this?

12-16-2014, 07:59 PM
Hi there. Worrying about our children is the worst. My anxiety is focused on my kids 99% of the time too, although it is usually a scenario that is completely in my head. Obviously I don't know what you are having your daughter tested for or why, but I am guessing nothing will ease the anxiety until you get a clean bill of health for her. I certainly hope that happens.

You said you've tried GABA. Others that could help are L-Theanine or Magnesium. B12 could help too. Otherwise, have you talked to someone about trying an antidepressant or are you already on one? I know not everyone is comfortable with meds, but perhaps they are worth trying if nothing else is working.

So I guess the answer to your question is yes…other people suffer from this. You are not alone. Your worries might not be rational, but they are there and that makes them real for you. I hope you are able to find some peace.

12-16-2014, 08:19 PM
Just PM'ed you.

12-17-2014, 04:39 AM
Thank you. I'm not on medication yet, but i suspect I will be shortly, GABA doesn't seem to help.

12-17-2014, 06:39 AM
Thank you. I'm not on medication yet, but i suspect I will be shortly, GABA doesn't seem to help.

In that case, I really hope you are able to find the right one and get some relief quickly. In the meantime…hang in there. It WILL get better. :-)

12-17-2014, 08:25 AM
I hope so, my husband has had it with me. Frankly, I've had it with myself. I keep thinking my child is dying and I'm paralyzed. I keep justifying my behavior as normal because I'm a mom. But if it's not this then I would be worried about other things too. I feel like I'm never NOT worried and panicked these days.

12-17-2014, 08:46 AM
I hope so, my husband has had it with me. Frankly, I've had it with myself. I keep thinking my child is dying and I'm paralyzed. I keep justifying my behavior as normal because I'm a mom. But if it's not this then I would be worried about other things too. I feel like I'm never NOT worried and panicked these days.

Continue with therapy. Or go at least once weekly. Discuss your beliefs, your childhood. I will proceed to show you why ~

The real issues are not being discussed here. And some may be hidden even to you, as you bury the painful (fearful) memories.

There is another issue, and I will explain how illness is passed down through the generations. One day your child will post on these boards (for example) - exactly what you have, and also, not have a reason to tie her anxiety to.

Whether you believe or not is of no consequence. Children are tuned into their parents, and look to them of course for a world view and belief system. How to operate within the physical world. Often transfering the parents emotions over their own. They feel you, and assimilate your emotions feelings with theirs. They are not functionally capable of choosing. "Mom is neurotic, so I will adopt my own beliefs". No, the child always sees the parents as 'right' and the ideal even if it is destructive.

Now, you may be a good faker, hiding yourself and your feelings from her.....but, you are forgetting telepathy (both you and the fathers frustration). This communication began in the womb and continues. Your child is highly and in a specialized manner, sensitive to your true thoughts and feelings, and thus between your actions, your words, your telepathic messages, you are setting the tone for her future. Look in the proverbial mirror and you see her future.. You have your beliefs and the fathers repressed emotions. He simply does not know what to do. Your daughter is aware of all of it on a psychic level..

Now I'm not being harsh, I'm edifying you. Period. So you can take the appropriate action mentally first, to set yourself aright.

In regards to your own issues, stop the hide and go seek. Get to the "heart" of the matter, behind the mess of anxious thought. The anxiety is a trigger only, and masks the beliefs behind them. The thoughts speak for the beliefs and because of them (revealing them). No exceptions.

That is enough to ingest for now. I do not reply or take the time for everyone. But here now, your family needed this message to you.

12-17-2014, 09:38 AM
Thank you. I have an appointment tomorrow.

12-17-2014, 09:43 AM
Thank you. I have an appointment tomorrow.

Even if you believed nothing I have said, print out my post and bring it with you. Let the therapist read it. I urge you. It will introduce therapy in a different direction.

That is all.