View Full Version : Please help me

12-16-2014, 04:08 PM
look I'm so so so scared i have the anxiety about hiv I'm so scared I've been in a messed up state for about 5 months now long story short 5 month ago i went to the clinic to get tested upon calling 2 weeks later for my results the lay told me neg for clymadia and ghon then she paused and said something to some one that was next to her saying "do i tell him that" that sent my anxiety thru the roof she then came back on the phone and told me i was HSV+ she told me i had herpes i was devastated that was the end of aug its December now and heres what I'm dealing with I'm not trolling with my post just very very scared and want and need help please. Maybe you can help me out Truthfully I really really need it, for months now approx. 4 months ago when I found out I felt like my world had ended. I got so depressed I wasn't sleeping was eating that lasted for 2 and a half weeks and later I lost weight I began to think and worry what if it's something worse I would get so worried I would try and sleep and when I woke up I had a strange sour like taste in my mouth and I had foggy headaches. I began to google my symptoms which I've been told never to do but I did each time I would I would get this anxious feel that would take over and it seem like another symptom would happen Ive had burning sensation like a hot flash feel over my body numbness in hands a chill and hot spell that would happen that would really freak me out this had been going on since the beginning of October and has since lasted I have a major fear of it being worst then herpes even tho I been tested its still been a thought that I have been able to get rid of its is taking a toll on my body and it's scaring me making me think that it's something else have any one else experienced a severe anxiety like this that physical symptoms lingered for a length of time PLEASE HELP ME

12-16-2014, 05:54 PM
Ok. Take a deep breath. Do you think they may of meant HPV (which is a form of herpes) ? That type can clear up on its own. You need to just take your results to a doc so they can evaluate them for you.You will feel much better once you know exactly what is going on...

12-16-2014, 06:27 PM
Ask yourself this. What does having hsv mean for you? And just so we're on the same page. Are you referring to herpes simplex? The cold sore virus? Because let me tell you that about 80 percent of the population has this mildly inconvenient virus. If I'm mistaken then pardon me.

Secondly, see your doc and find out what it actually means! Then when you're done with that, come back here and let us help you figure out how to overcome this anxiety battle you're facing. If we can get you through that we'll get you through anything else in the future.

12-16-2014, 06:37 PM
Yes I meant hsv herpes my issue is I have what I think are physical symptoms of anxiety but I google each symptoms and it get worse

12-16-2014, 07:15 PM
Hey Cody. I've read ur post A few times now and let me tell you this - ALL Of your physical symptoms you are feeling ARE ANXIETY. NOTHING MORE I promise you. When we are anxious as you know - it snowballs- and then we have a new symptom and we Google it (yes we are all guilty of that one) and the anxiety feeds on that and our minds look for the rational answer to a symptom. Usually one that's the worst cause that's what anxiety does. It NEEDS fear to feed off. Hence the snowball effect.
I'm not preaching or telling you anything random - I've been in EXACTLY the same situation. And I can tell you it's anxiety. The physical feelings are anxiety.
There is nothing to fear with HSV. Nothing. For peace of mind and if u think it will help- talk to a doc again to confirm. And then (and this is the hard part)- rest easy knowing ur symptoms are anxiety based. I say this is the hard part as with anxiety we get reassurance. And it's great. It's awesome. And then if let, anxiety starts to go "hang on the doc may be wrong". This is where u come in- tell that anxiety to fuck off! Yup it's really hard. And I'v my moments too. But really it's just anxiety.
Let URSELF off the hook. U deserve to feel better than this.

12-16-2014, 07:18 PM
Please dont google. Trust me, it makes things worse. Just remember, anxiety feels terrible but it can't kill you. Can you turn on your tv and find a lighthearted program or a comedy? It will take your mind off of things for a time.
HPV is not a serious form of herpes. Lots of people have it and it clears up on its own. If you had actual herpes...I think you would be experiencing painful breakouts.

Go to your doc. Stay off of google.