View Full Version : ECG reliable at spotting heart conditions?

Charles Price
12-16-2014, 12:49 PM
How reliable is an ECG at diagnosing heart conditions such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? I have had several ECG's and been given the clear.
Is Heart elargement the same as HCM?

12-16-2014, 01:09 PM
Quit speaking to doctor Google. He's not your friend.

You've had ecgs and you're fine. Did they check the way your heart sounds? Bring it up to your doctor.

12-16-2014, 01:40 PM
How reliable is an ECG at diagnosing heart conditions such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? I have had several ECG's and been given the clear.
Is Heart elargement the same as HCM?

I have no idea nor does anyone on this site about diagnosing heart enlargement, but ECG (EKG) tells some stuff and the echocardiogram tells more. A cardiologst told me once "Echocardiogram trumps ECG." Harvard Grad Cardiologist said that to me. Obviously there is more than an ECG for heart tests. There is also holter monitors and blood tests. Without knowing anything about you or what you have, if someone wants a complete heart check up they go to a cardiologist.

12-16-2014, 01:48 PM
I have had cardiac stress test as well. They are very clear at determining any heart issues. Dont worry any longer about it. I went through that phase in my life and had every heart test done imaginable. I had an abnormal EKG on a few different occasions but every single last doctor has said it is nothing to worry myself over. I went and had a very intense stress test done and the doctor said I performed very well. I had to just become ok with it ib my mind and actually believe what the doctors have said. That was the hardest part. Trust the doc and YES....please stay away from Google. It is the worst! I swear you can look up stubbed toe and it will tell you that you need to have the toe amputated. .....lol.........

Feel better soon.

Charles Price
12-16-2014, 04:30 PM
In a space of a year I have probably 8+ ECG's! most of them in the hospital or in the back of the ambulance. each time I was given the clear apart one paramedic gave me a false posative saying I had an enlarged heart. I have 3 doctors listen to my heart with a stethoscope and they said my heart sound completely normal not sure if it's counts though. I aim to see a cardioliagist for a full heart check up but it's difficult this time of the year to even get an appointment with my GP. Also each time I have had an ECG I have had a my blood pressure taken and that come back normal.
You are all correct I been googling things often finding things to be worry about, I been out for a work for a while and have no structure all this free time and being unoccupied isn't helping. I'm happy I start a new job as of January, hopefully I will feel much better.

12-16-2014, 06:01 PM
Honestly, a paramedic cannot diagnose that. My husband is a paramedic. If you are getting normal ekgs, it is most probable that you will have a normal cardiac stress test.

12-16-2014, 09:02 PM
How reliable is an ECG at diagnosing heart conditions such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? I have had several ECG's and been given the clear.
Is Heart elargement the same as HCM?

So what makes you think the heart is enlarged? Did you just make that up for no reason?

Charles Price
12-17-2014, 01:21 PM
No it's what a paramedic told me (a false posative)

12-17-2014, 09:17 PM
If you want to get a check up you need an echocardiogram. ECG is not definitive. Yeah it tells a lot but does not tell structural problems. That is the echocardiogram. That is when they see your valves and actual image of your heart. Actually, you tell the cardiologist your problem and he decides what tests you need. I don't think there's anything wrong with people getting a full heart check up just to be sure. People can find out if their valves are working properly and if there are any structural problems. But dude, stop worrying.

12-18-2014, 06:43 AM
Look at it this way…an EKG tests the electricity and an echocardiogram tests the plumbing. That is the way the cardiologists explained it to me (have heart valve history and have had a couple of both). They both test for different things, so if an all clear is what you need to feel less afraid, then take the EKG results at face value and schedule an Echo. Once that comes back normal, hopefully you can rest assured that your heart is fine. Good luck.

12-18-2014, 11:56 PM
Look at it this way…an EKG tests the electricity and an echocardiogram tests the plumbing. That is the way the cardiologists explained it to me (have heart valve history and have had a couple of both). They both test for different things, so if an all clear is what you need to feel less afraid, then take the EKG results at face value and schedule an Echo. Once that comes back normal, hopefully you can rest assured that your heart is fine. Good luck.

Yeah but even if every test came out 100% normal, you will still be anxious. Anxiety is an internal problem and nothing a doctor says will take it away. But once you have the clean bill of health, then at least you can focus on healing your anxiety and not a real disease. Anxiety needs to be healed by every day little by little for some time work at it until it is gone.