View Full Version : Unreality feelings, depersonalisation and fear of fainting in anxiety.

12-16-2014, 11:08 AM
So you go out someplace maybe a busy shop and all of a sudden you feel disconnected from the surroundings, tunnel vision, sound becomes dulled, you become lightheaded, things go into slow motion, you feel hot or cold, you may gulp down some air. You think you will faint, go into a trance, go insane or become so confused that you will forget who you are, you will not know where you are, becoming totally lost. This feeling terrifies you and the more you think about it the worse it gets and within milliseconds, (that's how fast adrenaline works), you're spiralling into a panic attack :(

Whats going on?
The disorientation, unreality feelings etc, are because you body is concentrating on the flight and fight response from adrenaline. The finer workings of your mind are dulled. For example if you faced a sabre tooth tiger, your priority would be to run, not do calculus! Except in that case you'd not notice the unreality feeling because you're is getting ready to run! You also hyperventilate which also means you feel weird because of too much oxygen in your blood. You hyperventilate or gulp in air because you need a lot of oxygen to power those muscles, too much oxygen reduces the CO2 in your blood and you feel even more weird!

(If you have ever seen a cat spooked by another cat invading its territory, bunched up tail etc it will not even notice you coming behind it. Normally cats run from strangers. Its mind is dulled to concentrate on the fight response. Its eyes wide open will make his vision seem weird. It will stand there frozen oblivious to the world like you in the busy shop, before deciding to attack or run for its life.)

But In your case there is no tiger :), BUT there is only the fear :( So you interpret the feeling of your mind being dulled as if something is seriously wrong. You may think you will faint or go insane or become so confused that you forget where you are or who you are. Remember your mind is dulled because all priority is going to the flight and fight reaction centre of your mind! in reality you will not faint, or go insane etc, what good would that be if confronted with a tiger? Lol

Infact how many times have you sprinted out of that busy shop or mall like an Olympic sprinter, escaping from your panic? Fearing that you would faint if you stayed there a second longer. If you were really gonna faint you would not have the energy to stand upright let along run away like an Olympic athlete! People who faint have low blood pressure, low pulse and sometimes low blood sugar too, they simply can't run away. Yet you do run. That suggests your body is the opposite, high blood pressure, high pulse and plenty of sugar is released from your liver. Perfect for flight or fight!

You have nothing else to think about but your own bodily feelings. Which makes you more anxious, your mind is dulled you breath in more oxygen as if you are running from a non existent tiger. You feel even more weird. And so on until it becomes a panic attack or until you reach the safety of your own neighbourhood.

That's what a panic attack is. You simply need to experience and explore them to be no more than paper tigers and when you realise that the fear of panic will gradually go.

12-16-2014, 01:45 PM
Yeah good point that your mind is in an altered state somewhat during a panic attack so things appear strange. But also, the hyperventilating or overbreathing will cause too much CO2 to be released which causes pins and needles in fingers and lightheadedness. Also, if we think about it, the whole fight or flight thing is built for survival, and one of the ways to motivate you to survive is to get signals that you are going to die. I came up with a theory that those very intense feelings and thoughts that you are going to die, is actually your brain telling you this so you motivate to survive, but just as there is no tiger after you, you aren't really dying.