View Full Version : Please help anxiety and meds stopped working!

07-19-2008, 06:26 PM
Hi. Since having my daughter almost 5 weeks ago I have been suffering from anxiety. Doc started me on 50mg of Zoloft and been on them for 4 weeks :( and for the first 2 weeks I felt heaps better...yesterday the awful anxiety crept up again and I feel awful! Can't eat due to nausea and the anxiety is shocking! How can I go from being so well to going down hill agian??? Does this mean I need to change to another med or up the dosage??? Please help I feel awful!

08-06-2008, 11:21 PM
Have you been to see your Dr? Your hormones will be all over the shop at the moment due to your new Bub. Lack of sleep etc would prob be contributing to the way your feeling. I would go back to your Dr and explain how you are feeling and also ask family, partner or hubby to give you a little bit of time to yourself to just relax. I am sure things will look brighter in a couple of weeks.