View Full Version : Havibg a oanic attack now pls hekp

12-15-2014, 09:11 PM
Hi anybody here??? Havin a dreadful panic attack that won't peak is there anyone on??!

12-15-2014, 09:26 PM
Hey billash, I'm sorry you are having an attack right now. First thing to do is breathe through it. It is happening but you will get through it.

12-15-2014, 09:27 PM
Hey billash, I'm sorry you are having an attack right now. First thing to do is breathe through it. It is happening but you will get through it.
Thsnks again aml. It just won't peak. It's here for a while now. Doing the breathing. I'm so scared. And I feel so alone.

12-15-2014, 09:31 PM
Remember no matter how bad it feels it is all in your head. There is nothing wrong with your body but your evolutionary fight or flight response is misfiring and telling your body it needs to panic. But there is no danger. It does not exist. Once you know this you can just breathe deeply in and out and give your body a chance to calm itself.

How are you right now? Let us know we've all been through it.

12-15-2014, 09:38 PM
Thanks aml you're very kind. It's still here not peaking (this is common for me) but I'm breathing away. I guess it's stemming from the other post I posted earlier re feeling intense fatigue this last few weeks. I'm really starting to worry there's something wrong as all I'm doing is resting and that's it. When I move or do anything I'm getting exhausted. Phoned my doc today and I can't get an appt til Friday!!! And everyone is telling me "don't go to doc/go to doc/there's nothing wrong with u/ u have a virus/ur exhausted / ur over resting!!!!"" Hence feeling so dam alone. No one gets it. It's like I'v anxiety disorder so ONVIOUSLY every creek and pain and symptom MUST be just "Bills anxiety again". I feel so unheard. I'm actually getting quite upset typing this cause I do feel so so unheard and everyone in my life has an opinion but it usually involves me almost WANTING anxiety. Sorry I really appreciate u answering me. Thank u. In tears here and I'm a grown man

12-15-2014, 09:52 PM
You day this has been going on a few weeks. That is a long time to be constantly worrying about something. You have been exhausted but you are still here talking to me. You made an appointment to see the doctor Friday. That is the first positive step to taking control of the situation. I truly believe it is just the anxiety but it can never hurt to be sure. Even if it just to reassure yourself. Even IF there would be some medical reason you are fatigued then certainly worrying yourself into a panic won't improve it any. I am not saying this to criticize you just to point out that it is just not logical to panic about something you don't know.

I can honestly say in 20 years about 99% of the stuff I worried about never happened. The stuff that did was never as bad as I imagined.

12-15-2014, 09:58 PM
Thanks aml. I know what u mean. I just feel so lonely in all of this. As I feel so unwell lately I'm not taken seriously by anyone as they just think "it's just anxiety again with him" but I'm on a refeeding programme for an eating disorder which is /was going well. And now this exhaustion is here and I'm thinking all sorts. Plus my brother whose only 4yrs older than me was diagnosed with stage3 lung cancer this summer and his treatment isn't going well. So again I'm thinking all sorts. Yes it cud well b burn-out or indeed anxiety u are of course right - but it wud b nice to b taken even a little seriously by my doc/partner/family. I know ur not criticizing me at all I totally get what UR saying. Thank u so much for the reply again. (Still breathing)

12-15-2014, 09:58 PM
Take control. You WILL get thru tonight. If you can't wait for Friday, call another doctor or go to a walk in clinic whatever. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Put your mind to rest. Whatever happens you will KNOW and you can deal with the reality. Reality is so much easier to deal with than all the worst case scenarios that are running thru ur head right now believe me.

12-15-2014, 10:01 PM
Yeah ur right. My mind races and worst case scenarios always come top of the list. Thank u

12-15-2014, 10:02 PM
Yeah ur right. My mind races and worst case scenarios always come top of the list. Thank u sorry wasn't finished there- thank u for ur kind words. I just feel like the world is coming in on top of me. And I'm scared I'm sick behind it all. Ur very kind answering me all these posts. Thank u so so much.

12-15-2014, 10:15 PM
To all those people saying "it is just his anxiety" they don't know anything! I just read a post by paniccured where she says people who suffer from anxiety are really brave and I agree. All those people who go through life without anxiety have no idea! They wouldn't be able to handle it. We can and are still here!

12-15-2014, 10:16 PM
Please post tomorrow and update us on how you are feeling. This too shall pass, I PROMISE!!

12-15-2014, 10:25 PM
Ah aml again thank u SO MUCH. While it's not passed yet and I'm trying to keep the "what ifs" about the fatigue out of my head- I feel better knowing that someone understands. Sometimes I think iv totally surrounded myself with the wrong people in life. It's eye opening and scary. Thanks again. I will DEFINATELY post tomorror. Ur a star.

12-16-2014, 10:55 AM
Hi anybody here??? Havin a dreadful panic attack that won't peak is there anyone on??!

Follow this technique that I wrote as written. I think you will find it will help you greatly:


12-16-2014, 09:14 PM
Hi Aml. Just replying as promised. Well today was a better day in that I didn't have a 3 hr anxiety attack. Also I managed to get to therapist appt which helped a lot. She said that yeah I should get doc to check me out for peace of mind. I'm getting bloods done tomorror. In meantime the echaustion wasn't as bad today (still waiting on other shoe to fall !) but I'm cautiously hopeful that it's exhaustion from the anxiety and all that's going on right now." The body keeps a score" is what therapist said and I think that's very true. It does keep a score and we all have to mind ourselves a little bit more sometimes. Even posting here on forum is "doing " something to help urself and none of us who suffer with anxiety should ever think we are "less than".
So I just wanted to check in. I'll check back tomorrow too as I said I'm still almost waiting on something to happen but again I know this is the anxiety part of me.
Thanks again so much for UR replies last night. It saved me.

12-16-2014, 09:43 PM
Good, I am so glad you went and talked to someone! Now that you are being proactive in getting your anxiety under control it will only get better from here. It won't magically go away but I doubt it will be as bad as last night again. Try to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow will be even better. Keep on posting your progress. Good night!