View Full Version : New here...hopeful to get help

12-15-2014, 07:24 PM
Hi there! I'm glad that I've found this forum. Just to introduce myself I'm 35, married with 5 kids (15, 12, 7, 5 and 6 months) and have battled anxiety for as long as I can remember. I've found that my coping mechanisms (journaling, prayer/meditation, talk therapy) aren't serving me well lately. I have a very volatile job as an independent home health contractor that keeps me stressed, am in graduate school, and my 7 year old has autism.

So, I'm well within my right to live in a constant state of anxiety, but I can't exist like this. Panic rises in me every day about any number of normal things, and I'm pretty sure my anxiety is considered generalized. I suffer panic attacks that leave me exhausted and depressed, with my main physical symptoms being tingling/numb arms and legs and headaches, which I'm pretty sure are a product of my shallow breaths.

Recently I've decided to try medication and am seeking a psychiatrist, but am not having luck finding a female who is in-network and local.

I look forward to perusing the threads and getting to know everyone as I start this journey towards healing.

12-15-2014, 11:02 PM
Hi. I'm new to the forum too. I am definitely not as knowledgeable as a lot of other members, but I think simply talking to other people that deal with anxiety is helpful. Most people that have no problem with anxiety can not understand the unique perspective of life that we see.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I have found that exercise greatly helps with my anxiety/depression. My anxiety is not severe, and exercising helps keep it in check. I like to lift weights a few times a week in the morning, but any type of intense exercise will release endorphins.

I hope you feel better and that you find what you are looking for here.


12-16-2014, 07:02 AM
Hi there. Sorry to hear what you've been going through lately. I don't know about you, but I always seem to struggle more this time of year. I noticed you saying you were having trouble finding a female psychiatrist. Just out of curiosity, have you considered using a male and maybe finding a female therapist for counseling? In my experience, interaction with a psychiatrist revolves around meds and prescriptions whereas my therapist is my main source of support. Perhaps you'd have better luck finding a female to talk to in that way. Just a thought. Either way, I wish you luck and relief. :-)

12-16-2014, 07:44 AM
You have the right to be sick? For who, For what?

You know you cannot go on living a lie.

So, I'm well within my right to live in a constant state of anxiety, period.

But I can't exist like this.

I separated the above statements with a period. Making it 2 sentences instead of the one as you wrote it.

As 2 sentences you can see the conflict in your mind easier. Now I indeed know what your intent is. I am telling you not to give anxiety the right to exist, period. Justified because of the conditions of your life.

Set your problems right, work toward resolution in the job and home, honor yourself and speak your truth. Be your truth. It is exactly because you are doing the opposite that your finding so many troubles. Your family will never be happy if you are not. And if your trying to be someone else other than who..you..are.

Think !!