View Full Version : Foot Numbness

07-19-2008, 03:23 PM
I am new to this forum....

I have had off and on anxiety for many years now. Hypochondria has become my main cause of anxiety...... I have been off meds for like 6-7 months and now recently (week ago) I have had tons of anxiety. It all started because of medical issues making my mind go crazy.... I had a wet cough for a month that they think is because of my acid reflux that I ignored. The headaches they think are from possible tmj/anxiety, still waiting to see a TMJ specialist.

So I have been Very Anxious and even thought I had a good nights sleep (13 hours), I woke up with my right foot feeling odd, it slowly became worse and worse and feeling light numb/odd feeling. Now I am freaking out that I have another issue, maybe aneurysm or ms or something.....

Well. feels a bit better to write this all but still Very anxious...

thanks all

Oh yea, Back on MEds again as of today.... Stinks but I hate the way I feel.

10-24-2008, 06:59 PM
I know what you mean. ive only recently been dealing with anxiety, and i was out the other night and felt really bad pains and numbness in my left foot. my toes were also moving together and tightning. it was a bit scary. so i keep thinking its something serious, but i didnt even panic like i normally would, just thought iwas tired. i think the key is to think positivley about everrything.

10-25-2008, 08:13 AM
hi david :)

if you have acid reflux, anxiety and headaches have you looked into nutrition/diet to help you out?? i'm sorry i can't offer any advice on the numbness, i don't know much about it unless you were sleeping funny and cutting off the blood supply to your foot? happens to me sometimes, mostly sleeping on my arms and hands i cut off the blood and they go totally numb lol.

are you getting any other help apart from the meds??

10-28-2008, 03:22 PM
I have numbness in my left foot as well and its because of sciatica. (not sure if i spelled that right) I dont alaways feel the pain/numbness in my back, buttoks and down my legs but sometimes just in the foot and the doc says this is normal w/ sciatica, or a pinched nerve.
Could this maybe be what your experiencing?