View Full Version : This is just odd

12-14-2014, 07:18 PM
Long story short ive had anxiety/OCD for a while. I was doing alright until the last month where i had alot of head issues that really threw my off the deep end. Everynight i went to sleep in fear and lived in fear and panic every day. The head issues went away and now i have this weird thought issue. Its like i finish conversations in my head. Even future conversations or how someone would respond. Its really hard for me to try and write down an example as they are random impulses and not constant. Like sometimes even in stead of looking on a conversation i would put myself into their shoes and say "I" instead of he. Like just now i was trying to think of an example and all i had was racing thoughts and i literally said "racing thoughts" in my head. I remember earlier in the day i was going to tell my mother that i can never find piece and i could see her saying "thats sad" in my head. Its like i have random thoughts just come in my head and i cant shake it. And of course all i can think about is psychophrenia or not being in control of my mind. Ive never had this issue before and its extremely annoying. Im not too sure what to think of it. Or if ive been doing it all my life and i just not noticed/paid attention to it.

12-15-2014, 03:23 AM
I am going through the same thing right now.. Including the fear of schizophrenia... I understand the feeling of having this internal dialogue that you describe. I don't really have much to give in terms of help as I am looking for the Same thing, although I can assure you from the reassurance that I have received that it is just an obsession. But I feel your pain when you say it does not feel like it..

Please Let me know how you go with this