View Full Version : Social anxiety/Hypochondria

Charles Price
12-14-2014, 05:30 PM
I'm really worried my Hypochondria is starting to effect my relationship with others around me. Can someone give me any advice to stopping these negative thoughts and generally blowing everything out of proportion? I annoy people by constantly asking for reassurance I think it's some kind of OCD.
I'm also a pretty confident guy when I have met people a couple of time or in smaller groups but in big groups of people I am overwhelmed and I become insecure, for example I went to my girlfriends big family meal a couple of weeks ago and I was knocking back drinks until I didn't no longer cared. I found it difficult to converse with certain people, or even make eye contact, and I was acting really scatty.

12-15-2014, 02:38 AM
Yeah I can relate. Especially girlfriends family can feel a lot of pressure. I generally hate hanging out and talking to people I do not have an interest with. Like you have to be on and you don't feel like being on. Drinks can definitely help with this, although I think bad for someone who has a true anxiety disorder. But yeah, I would grab a few beers and just shoot the shit. Just maybe not judge and realize every person has something to teach you and something to talk about. The reassurance is a trap because once you get stuck on that trip, you just keep asking and keep seeking to know if everything is ok and nobody's answer is ever sufficient.