View Full Version : Dull ache in leg.

Charles Price
12-14-2014, 05:13 PM
I have a dull ache in my thigh area of my leg, it's not painful but it's noticeable. I had far too much to drink friday! I stumbled in early hours of Saturday morning with my freinds had a few more to drink and passed out on the floor. Do you think this ache is due to be sleeping on the hard floor on my left leg? I still feel it now. what do you think? Do you think it's anything to do with my circulation?

12-15-2014, 03:58 AM
I have a dull ache in my thigh area of my leg, it's not painful but it's noticeable. I had far too much to drink friday! I stumbled in early hours of Saturday morning with my freinds had a few more to drink and passed out on the floor. Do you think this ache is due to be sleeping on the hard floor on my left leg? I still feel it now. what do you think? Do you think it's anything to do with my circulation?

Hi Charles :)

It could be Sciatica. I've been suffering with this for weeks now and what you describe sounds like a mild case. Basically the Sciatic nerve gets irritated somehow by the disks in your lower back and you feel it in your leg(s) (the nerve runs down your legs). I feel it when I've been lying down, in the thigh. At first it was so bad I couldn't sleep or stay asleep. It's better now but I still feel it when I wake up..

Gypsy :)

Charles Price
12-15-2014, 01:13 PM
Thanks man it may be Sciatica hopefully it's not anything serious.

07-11-2017, 12:27 PM
Hi Charles :)

It could be Sciatica. I've been suffering with this for weeks now and what you describe sounds like a mild case. Basically the Sciatic nerve gets irritated somehow by the disks in your lower back and you feel it in your leg(s) (the nerve runs down your legs). I feel it when I've been lying down, in the thigh. At first it was so bad I couldn't sleep or stay asleep. It's better now but I still feel it when I wake up..

Gypsy :)

Hey Gypsy,

I have a question about the sciatic nerve problems you have had. Mine is constant. They are not certain it is the nerve but that is the docs suspicion. It sometimes is pain, sometimes tingling, sometimes the whole leg. Lately its been in the other leg. Does this sound like what you had? did yours get better?


07-11-2017, 05:21 PM
it sounds like mine, I am not Gypsy :)
Sciatica is when your disks are pressing on nerve and usually it happens after lifting something heavy or lifting and twisting. I suffer with it for years. I was on work compensation benefits for so long , bulging disks (in my situation ) will not kill you but are very painful. I you have it , maybe your mattress is not good, posture when you sit down, there can be a hundred things causing that pain.
Do you have diabetes Maybe? Rob?

07-11-2017, 05:41 PM
it sounds like mine, I am not Gypsy :)
Sciatica is when your disks are pressing on nerve and usually it happens after lifting something heavy or lifting and twisting. I suffer with it for years. I was on work compensation benefits for so long , bulging disks (in my situation ) will not kill you but are very painful. I you have it , maybe your mattress is not good, posture when you sit down, there can be a hundred things causing that pain.
Do you have diabetes Maybe? Rob?

Hey thank you for the response!! I do not have diabetes. I actually just had a lot of bloodwork done and it was normal. My concern is that the pain is all the time. I just don't want to spin and think this is heart related, lung related. I would assume something would come back odd between the blood tests and everything else. How long does your sciatica lasts? This has been constant the last few weeks. I assume this is normal ?


07-11-2017, 07:58 PM
blood test will not show if you have pressure on nerve. try to sleep with a pillow between your knees, Gentle stretching helps too. When I am in pain , like right now (i had spend half an hour thining my veggies) I try to meditate and drink some nice herbal tea it helps , when you lose muscle tension

07-15-2017, 04:03 PM
Hey I had this in only one leg too my thigh first then my calf. Had test done and nothing.. they told me it was stress tension / sominization

07-15-2017, 06:42 PM
Oh god that was painful and it was all stress/posture/inactivity :rolleyes:

Yes, mine got better with walking and stretching. I was in so much pain at times I was thinking of going to Emergency. It was triggered by using the exercise bike, I think, and the physio recommended walking. It was just my right leg.

07-15-2017, 06:51 PM
it sounds like mine, I am not Gypsy :)

You wish you were though, don't you? ;)

07-16-2017, 06:30 AM
You wish you were though, don't you? ;)

Of course I do ;)