View Full Version : Kaiser sent me this DNR garbage and are Assuming

12-14-2014, 03:36 PM
That I have some Advanced Serious illness. I think they did my annual review and mixed me up w/ someone else's Kaiser #. I eat right, most the time. I am about to go exercise now as I write about my anxiety over this frustrating assumption of my lifestyle. I dont smoke, I dont drink. I go mto bed at around 11 and am up by 7am usually. I have sensitivities to mold, dust and bitter cold air and that triggers asthma along w/ being startled also triggers my breathing to be a bit wheezy. I am 40 Lbs overweight, but wait I am definately working on my issues.

They want to discount me and sign off on a Do Not Resusicitate and some weirrd Advanced Dr's Treatment Orders which I will have 0 to do with.

I want to be treated like anyone else, and if I get to the point in life where I had to have a breathing tube to survive long term, not just post surgery....I would definately want that to be pulled and not feed me any further to induce torture if I survived as a long term, so to hasten my existence from misery following the survival of the removal of an oxygen tube only to live to squirm forever until Eternity over this long term misery. Plus save my family any financial burden.

However, I cant plan that far ahead currently. I am healthy as a horse, even have the dental maloclussion of one too.

That is just a bit rude pre New Years Eve to be asking people on Medicare if they want special order from their Dr to hasten the process of their death and dying .

I have Never been told that I have any Serious Advanced Health condition and reading the packet that was encouraging me to complete umpteen pages of red tape to hasten my end stages of life is just, "A bit much."