View Full Version : Back at it again.

12-14-2014, 03:34 PM
Hey all,

I'm back!

I was doing good for a good while there, and now, not so much. My life took a few pretty intense turns in the last little while - so naturally my anxiety came back. I've been trying to deal with my anxiety the best way I know how but I can feel the depression symptoms crawling back. It kind of makes it hard to motivate myself to try and get better and feel better when I don't want to do anything. I'm sure some if not most of you, will know that feeling. I'm just feeling stuck and at a loss. I have some pretty big -life changing- decisions to make in the coming weeks so that kind of makes it hard too, naturally. Basically the highlight of my life right now is that I got accepted into nursing school and my dog still seems to like me lol. Other than that, it just feels like everything is a mess, and most of it is beyond my control and the things that are in my control are just so overwhelming to try and sort out.

I started back on medication after a good half year or so without. I am on Prozac 10mg daily to start. Today is day two. I kind just feel like I am on a sad sad train and I don't really feel like I have anyone in my life to talk to it about. My 'spouse' and I are on the rocks, I moved out in October, my best friend is pregnant so I don't want to bother her with my mental health concerns, my parents split up so it's no use talking to my mum because she's in rough shape too, my sister has a new born and is stupid busy and my brother is working out of town, and all other friends I do have, I am not comfortable talking about these things with. It makes it kind hard. I've just been having a hard time and it's nice to know there are lots of other people who know how I feel on the forum and can relate.

I'm really hoping this Prozac helps get me out of this slump. I'm trying to make commitments with friends and family to make sure I get myself out of the house for reasons other than to go to work but it is hard. I am tired CONSTANTLY and just can't get enough sleep. If you've got any tips or pointers for me to get through this rough patch that would be much appreciated.